I thought they fixed this... the computer seems to be able to trade for techs DURING your turn, and in fact while in negotiation with you. I was trading with the Japanese, and they learned Horseback Riding while I was still talking to them!
Saved game attatched. Talk to the germans, and buy contact with the Japanese. Talk to the Japanese, and buy the Wheel (pay whatever they want), and then go back to the table and buy Warrior Code (also for whatever they want). Then go back to negotiate some more, and they suddenly have Horseback Riding, which they didn't before we started.
Saved game attatched. Talk to the germans, and buy contact with the Japanese. Talk to the Japanese, and buy the Wheel (pay whatever they want), and then go back to the table and buy Warrior Code (also for whatever they want). Then go back to negotiate some more, and they suddenly have Horseback Riding, which they didn't before we started.
