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Specific Start points??

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  • #16
    I definately agree that they should have included this in the initial release of the game, pretty strange that it did not.

    But, for me, the resource system makes me not want to play using the world map. How much fun is it when you know exactly where to place your cities, so 3k years later you get rubber or oil? Especially when the AI doesn't know about it. I could see people sending out settlers to far places just to try to claim all of the latter resources. Would the AI ever do that? Is there anyway to randomize the resource placement? I'm not sure, but I think that would make it a lot of fun, some unknown in the world


    • #17
      Actually atw, it appears the AI does know where hidden resources are. Evidence for this is strong from Aeson's experiments with ICS. The AI would gladly give him 1 pop cities to renegotiate peace with some exceptions. The exceptions were when there was a resource there (hidden or not).
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #18
        We already knew that. The AI always does that. Play a game on Chieftain, get well ahead of AI in the tech tree. (We have tanks, they're building musketeers), and you'll notice them building cities on and next to oil, rubber etc.
        Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
        Waikato University, Hamilton.


        • #19
          Originally posted by notyoueither
          Actually atw, it appears the AI does know where hidden resources are. Evidence for this is strong from Aeson's experiments with ICS. The AI would gladly give him 1 pop cities to renegotiate peace with some exceptions. The exceptions were when there was a resource there (hidden or not).
          Right, i should have been more clear.
          What I meant was (and I have played marla's a few times) is that say I am the Iriqouis or Americans. no rubber in NA, so I float a galley around to the amazon and secure the rubber in 1k bc. I know the AI does settle according to resourcees, but I have never seen it go out of its way to settle the resource, only if its in the normal progression of its civ. Since those rubber plants are in the Amazon, it would take quite a while for the Aztecs to grow in that direction, thus allowing me to sweep in early to secure.

          Another example is the South Pacific and Australia. There are no civs starting out there and it takes a while for the AI to plant cities there, even if it knows about the resource. I can send out my first galley or caravel and claim the resources in Australia.

          Basically what I am saying is that I can structure my game by sending out early settlers to claim the resources. Will the AI go for those resources? Right away I don't think so, they will exand outward. Will they eventually? Of course.

          Hey, it might be fun to try to secure monopolies on the later strat resources early in the game, by sending out settlers to the far corners of the world.

          I'm just saying that it takes away a lot of the fun for me if I know exactly where everything is going to pop up.


          • #20
            atw. Good point, but the solution is equally good. Don't do what you have described.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              Originally posted by notyoueither
              atw. Good point, but the solution is equally good. Don't do what you have described.
              nye, i am a weak man.

              OTOH it would be interesting in MP as people would beeline for resources, thus leaving themelves weaker at home, with the hope that they can hold their distant cities til the resources appear. intriguing. Just my opinion about the whole matter.


              • #22
                How much fun is it when you know exactly where to place your cities, so 3k years later you get rubber or oil?
                Pleasure to redo the history of the known world.
                Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Akka le Vil

                  Pleasure to redo the history of the known world.
                  and right you are.

                  Q: Ask 100 (civ) gamers what they expect from earth maps that are included in the official release. Will most of them answer
                  'to play games with different starting locations compared to real life's history?'

                  A: approx. 80 - 95% of players: 'no, to play with correct starting locations'

                  A by Firaxis: 'What do you mean by correct starting locations?'

                  A by Mike: 'Three/four months ago I started working on it ..., couldn't figure out what you all were talking about though ...'

                  (that is WHENEVER they care to answer and that's pretty rare on this one; embarassment's running high, no doubts)

                  " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
                  - emperor level all time
                  - I'm back !!! (too...)

