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civ 3 sucks

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  • #16
    Re: civ 3 sucks

    Originally posted by pat01
    ....after 3 days of intense playing I am kicking myself for spending so much money on such a waste of time......
    That sure qualifies you as an expert.
    Sorry....nothing to say!


    • #17
      How can you hate a game you play INTENSELY?
      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tuberski
        How can you hate a game you play INTENSELY?
        self-mutilation. a great way to relieve stress.


        • #19

          Don't mind these guys- they have been put through a lot over this game--

          The Apolyton Civil War
          Bugs that give wanted features, but are fixed (taking away features)

          Plus they have seen so many 'Civ3 sucks' threads to make even the stoutest reader fail in his convictions.

          [Though, the mere fact of so many such threads must make one wonder...


          • #20
            Well, Civ3 has the potential to be a great game. Bu at this point, this game is so friggin buggy and uninteresting and disappointing to play, I simply stopped playing it 2 months ago. Just think about it, every patch has about 30 bug fixes on them, and the # of bugs never seems to decrease. Civ3 is completely screwed, it will never be a great game, that is hopeless. At this point, I got Warcraft 3 and AOC to play until Age of Mythology come out.
            So, forget about Civ3, it is a dead game. Or will be pretty soon.
            The most interesting thing about Warcraft 3 beta is that, it contains 10 time LESS bugs than the retail version of Civ3. Think about it. Firaxis, you can do a better job.

            Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


            • #21
              Anunikoba. Good points. Except you can read too much into the number of detractors. How many of them are first time civ'ers who are disappointed? How many are die-hard Civ2/SMAX players? Many, many, many, nay, it's an uberload of the later. Is it a bad game? Or is it just too different from Civ2? I would put $5 on the impossible bet that if MP were out right now, UberKruX would be shouting down any of the detractors. What will happen when MP comes out?

              Dida. Stay tuned. 1.21 has actually been play tested by players. Can you imagine that! Wow.

              But once again, it aint done yet... so it's a little early for final verdicts. These threads are just some of the burdens that we must carry. I've grown philosophical about them (for the most part). In the end they are not going to have much, if any influence on the outcome.

              BTW. Does the pat01 DL dance?
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #22
                time not spent making wonder movies should have gone to making the gameplay better.
                I totally agree. Unfortunately, I think they spent too much time on the 3d leaders instead.

                wonder movies are really a waste of time.
                The wonders movies are boring after the 3rd game. However I still find the advisor movies hilarious.

                No CivIII doesn't suck. It is average. This is not terrible but definately not a compliment either.


                • #23
                  i'm going to close this thread simply because it's boring....

                  better arguments next time, thanks!
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