Interesting to see the variance between expectations based on the readme and the actual game play. First impression is there is a lot that has been addressed and appears to work as expected. The only surprises so far have been the range of correction available.
Inadequate air craft editor option
Before talk about game play, my biggest outstanding issue is restricted range for aircraft. The players choices are EITHER still up to 8 tiles OR infinite. I don't want to play infinite but I do want the ability to coordinate air, sea and land forces.
Finally figured out why limited air range is so annoying:
early game {before roads, and rr}
land-- max speed 3 tiles
sea -- max speed 4 tiles
air -- na
Note the good match in unit range ability
middle game {roads but not rr}
land-- max speed 6 tiles
sea -- max speed 6 tiles
{if get navigation bonus}
air -- na
Still a good match in range ability
late game {roads & RR }
land-- max speed, entire continent
sea -- max speed 7 tiles
air -- max speed 8 tiles
Here is the problem area. Land units can go all over the place, fast, fast, fast. Sea still slower, would like to move speed of sea in this period up to 8 tiles. AESIS at 8 tiles makes good play. Air sucks. Land and sea move faster. This is way too unbalanced. Want to be able to range bombers to 12 tiles, and jets to 10 tiles {for 5 tile air superiority range}.
RFE-restrict air unit build menu
While talking about air, how about a RFE to be able to restrict building jets and stealth to cities that have airports. It doesn't make sense to me that a city of 3 citizens can build and base either a stealth, or jet.
Opps, what's good. Surprising a lot. There are little surprises like suddenly seeing artillery in the governor menu. And then there are the options of dealing with corruption. After fighting corruption thru the previous versions, I find 50% corruption is way, way too low of a setting. Too many of distant cites have no shields lost when pumping out only 3-4 shields. Next game will set percentage higher.
AI tech trading was completely solved.
The adjustable values are cool for setting the trading rate to player preferences. {Don't know if tech devaluation has been addressed.} I may have to increase tech trading rate a bit to make the game more interesting. But at standard rates, noticed fewer beakers at startup and slower tech development thru the ancient era. Play is good, just takes a few more turns to get going.
Starting position
Fixed the problem of the AI always starting on the biggest continent and player never getting a big land mass. Nice surprise.
abandon city
The abandon city is cool, but I would reposition on the menu. I almost abandoned a city when I was simply trying to contact the governor.
Maybe this was there before, but did not see it. Great now subs won't be attacked by frigates.
Fantastic release timing
What could be more ideal? Patch released on Thurs night, first reactions on Friday, a weekend to put it to the test. How about making this a standard practice: Tuesday give us readme and Thursday give us the patch.
RFE-- better readme's
Suggestion if a little more time went into the readme's there would be fewer unpleasant surprised and player expectations would closer match patch abilities.
Inadequate air craft editor option
Before talk about game play, my biggest outstanding issue is restricted range for aircraft. The players choices are EITHER still up to 8 tiles OR infinite. I don't want to play infinite but I do want the ability to coordinate air, sea and land forces.
Finally figured out why limited air range is so annoying:
early game {before roads, and rr}
land-- max speed 3 tiles
sea -- max speed 4 tiles
air -- na
Note the good match in unit range ability
middle game {roads but not rr}
land-- max speed 6 tiles
sea -- max speed 6 tiles
{if get navigation bonus}
air -- na
Still a good match in range ability
late game {roads & RR }
land-- max speed, entire continent
sea -- max speed 7 tiles
air -- max speed 8 tiles
Here is the problem area. Land units can go all over the place, fast, fast, fast. Sea still slower, would like to move speed of sea in this period up to 8 tiles. AESIS at 8 tiles makes good play. Air sucks. Land and sea move faster. This is way too unbalanced. Want to be able to range bombers to 12 tiles, and jets to 10 tiles {for 5 tile air superiority range}.
RFE-restrict air unit build menu
While talking about air, how about a RFE to be able to restrict building jets and stealth to cities that have airports. It doesn't make sense to me that a city of 3 citizens can build and base either a stealth, or jet.
Opps, what's good. Surprising a lot. There are little surprises like suddenly seeing artillery in the governor menu. And then there are the options of dealing with corruption. After fighting corruption thru the previous versions, I find 50% corruption is way, way too low of a setting. Too many of distant cites have no shields lost when pumping out only 3-4 shields. Next game will set percentage higher.
AI tech trading was completely solved.
The adjustable values are cool for setting the trading rate to player preferences. {Don't know if tech devaluation has been addressed.} I may have to increase tech trading rate a bit to make the game more interesting. But at standard rates, noticed fewer beakers at startup and slower tech development thru the ancient era. Play is good, just takes a few more turns to get going.
Starting position
Fixed the problem of the AI always starting on the biggest continent and player never getting a big land mass. Nice surprise.
abandon city
The abandon city is cool, but I would reposition on the menu. I almost abandoned a city when I was simply trying to contact the governor.
Maybe this was there before, but did not see it. Great now subs won't be attacked by frigates.
Fantastic release timing
What could be more ideal? Patch released on Thurs night, first reactions on Friday, a weekend to put it to the test. How about making this a standard practice: Tuesday give us readme and Thursday give us the patch.
RFE-- better readme's
Suggestion if a little more time went into the readme's there would be fewer unpleasant surprised and player expectations would closer match patch abilities.