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Rules for Retreat (Firaxis?)

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  • Rules for Retreat (Firaxis?)

    i'm just curious as to why my calvary sometimes retreat, and other times do not. i understand the REASONING behind it (never dying units), but i was just wondering what elements factor in to a possible retreat.

    movement points left?
    health left?
    movement advantage on enemy? (calvary attacking an infantry rather than a knight)

    i'd really like firaxis to answer, but if any of you guys know, i'd be greatful.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

  • #2
    Rules for Retreat -- the JB assumption:

    50% base probability, assuming fast unit vs. 1MP unit. If both units have more than 1MP, there is NO retreat.

    If opponent is down to 1HP before you get to 1HP, press the attack and do not retreat.

    Each HP advantage increases probability by 50%. Multiplied of course, not added (base 50% + 1HP advantage 50% -> 75%).

    That's all there is to it. The probabilities for retreat have never been mentioned by Firaxians and are my own assumptions. The movement point and hit point rules are official (either documentation or Firaxian).



    • #3
      New info via the 1.21 patch. See thread
      Civ3-General > Patch 1.21f civ3mod.bic changes from 1.17

      Experience 1.17 1.21 Option Comment
      Conscript 0 34 Retreat Bonus *new*
      Regular 0 50 Retreat Bonus *new*
      Veteran 0 58 Retreat Bonus *new*
      Elite 0 66 Retreat Bonus *new*

      (I would assume that those are percentages)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jaybe

        (I would assume that those are percentages)
        Yes there are.


        • #5
          SO elites now have a 2/3rds base chance of retreat? Woohoo!


          • #6
            you can also increase or decrease those percentages in the editor

