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I Didn't Fight a War the Entire Game

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  • I Didn't Fight a War the Entire Game

    Hey all, none of you remember me since my last post was in November ("Combat Superiority Doesn't Matter in War, an oldie but a goodie )

    Anyway, I downloaded the patch and started a game as Persia. I was lucky and controlled an area with all resources but iron, aluminum, and saltpeter (I got iron from a far away city with an airport eventually and saltpeter popped up randomly). The iron/saltpeter situation obviously meant that I couldn't really fight any wars. So I went the entire game without a war, and let me tell you, it shot by fast. I don't know if it was the lack of war or what, but it felt like the game was short and boring. Near the end, I decided to take out the pathetic Russians(kind of low tech, few resources).

    The war went well and without a hitch. I think my bombers are what won it for me. However, the build up for this force took about 20 years. It may be that I had two cities on wonders and wasn't into force production, but my force wasn't that large. 8 bombers, 2 cavalry, ~6 Infantry, ~7 tanks, and ~6 artillery. My empire wasn't extremely large either. How long would it take you to build this in a small-medium sized empire. Also, does anyone else feel the game shoots by too quickly? I know I do at times.

  • #2
    It's like parties.

    You're in a great game and when it ends you really wish it went longer.

    Or you're in a bore fest and it seems to last forever.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

