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Collapse during Communism

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  • Collapse during Communism

    Hi all,

    Now I know that this has been discussed before but I just experienced for the first time last night.

    Ever since 1.17f the AI basically collapses during communist government.

    Here's what I mean based on my current game. (Regent, standard map, 8 civs, medium continents) I'm playing as the Persians. I share a continent with Egypt, which is down to it's last 2 cities BTW, and have noticed that the Aztecs are trampling the English on this supercontinent a short distance away. I decide to hop in on the action and declare war on England. Haven't really paid any attention to what is going on over there. When I arrive with two transport loads of troops and cavalry I notice the the English cities are all down to 1 pop each. The English govt. is communism. I am astonish at how easily I'm mopping them up. Then the Aztecs declare war on me! They just switched to communism as well.

    Now the Aztecs are the worlds largest superpower in my game but I'm not worried. I figure if I can keep them in war as a communist state long enough they'll simply collapse like England has. Is something wrong with this or am I (a very poor civ player) finally gonna win my first game?
    signature not visible until patch comes out.

  • #2
    Re: Collapse during Communism

    Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
    Is something wrong with this or am I (a very poor civ player) finally gonna win my first game?
    Yes and yes. Actually, you're witnessing the AI's self destruction by drafting.
    "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


    • #3
      Maybe Communism needs a small wonder that we could call the Berlin Wall.


      • #4
        Or the Seven Year Plan.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          I guess one way to look at it is communism if not managed properly eventually leads to collapse!
          signature not visible until patch comes out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
            I guess one way to look at it is communism if not managed properly eventually leads to collapse!
            There have been lots of real world simulations that fall apart in the simulation, but in real life, some higher force is keeping it going.

            This is why I could never win at SimCity.
            I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Haupt. Dietrich
              I guess one way to look at it is communism if not managed properly eventually leads to collapse!
              Kind of life real life?

              Oh but the only difference is the AI just doesnt understand all of it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Thrawn05

                This is why I could never win at SimCity.
                I could never win cause maintence always killed my roads and buildings. They decay at too fast of a rate.


                • #9

                  Stalin pop-rushed the Ukraine and killed about 30,000,000.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    I guess Zach is saying that its realistic. It must be good.

                    I don't think he'd get mad if Alexander jumped out of the screen and ....(insert imaginative thought here)

                    I started a Civ3 limmerick contest and this was my entry. What do you think of it Zach?

                    Sweet Choirboy please sing me that tune,
                    Though its true you are a buffoon,
                    We know you try real hard,
                    to be Sid's new best pard,
                    As you gulp his swill with a spoon.


                    • #11
                      How do I message a moderator so they can ban this kid from posting?
                      LVL-based MORPG PvP SuXoR


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CantRemPWs
                        How do I message a moderator so they can ban this kid from posting?
                        Don't bother. I don't think they run the site according to opinion polls.

                        If what he says bothers you, address it. Keep it clean or you may get banned. But there are plenty of ways to impugn the intellect of someone who bothers you without being vile or directly insulting.
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by notyoueither
                          But there are plenty of ways to impugn the intellect of someone who bothers you without being vile or directly insulting.
                          Actually, jimmytrick has had his intellect impugned many times over, and has been fairly dirrectly insulted, and he's vowed never to post here again.

                          None of these things seem to stop him from posting here.

                          Personally, I don't watch TV. I think TV shows are poorly done and the networks never release patches to fix them. But I don't go over to and post about how TV shows suck and movies are great (and you suck for liking TV shows and I'm great for cutting the cable). He either doesn't understand how he comes across or he doesn't care. If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll, it doesn't matter if he used to be a big provider of signal, cause all I'm seeing now IMHO is noise.
                          Do they they boot people off because of a single e-mail complaint? No, I'm sure they don't. That doesn't mean a well drafted e-mail might not cause a moderator on the fence to go one way or another.
                          The answer to how to contact a moderator is to go here:
                          and click on "send a private message"



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CantRemPWs
                            How do I message a moderator so they can ban this kid from posting?
                            Well using my insight from the latest and greatest Kevin Smith movie - "As long as there is Civilization 3, the net nerds are going to have something bad to say about it. There is no real way to stop them..well.. other than showing up at their houses and beating the *#&@ out of them."

                   it didn't go exactly like that, but still. And hey, if you live in the States you can just track him down and file an' injuction which would keep him from posting here - claim his posts caused you massive emotional damage, it's a great way to get mental health care at someone elses expense too!

                            Then again I'd just follow the post above and send a message to the Moderator.

                            Anyway I've noticed the problem mentioned above (The one about Communism). I always found it kinda odd that they'd draft everyone and throw hoards of conscripts at you. I think if you changed the draft limit on ANY government the AI would draft itself to death. Kinda sad really. But hey, I guess if the fall of Communism had to be caused by Drafting your nation to death - it would be much better than running it into the ground trying to compete with the US over a fictional weapons defense program eh?

                            You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

                            The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ChaingKaiShek

                              Anyway I've noticed the problem mentioned above (The one about Communism). I always found it kinda odd that they'd draft everyone and throw hoards of conscripts at you. I think if you changed the draft limit on ANY government the AI would draft itself to death. Kinda sad really. But hey, I guess if the fall of Communism had to be caused by Drafting your nation to death - it would be much better than running it into the ground trying to compete with the US over a fictional weapons defense program eh?

                              They should probably put some limit on drafting, but Russia not only survived the mass pop-rushing, but went on to defeat Germany in WWII (with allied help).

                              Gamewise, pop-rushing a lost city is not a terribly bad idea, a sour-grapes strategy, though it is a strategy I would not normally adopt.

