Sometimes a city automatically is razed when it has a size of 1 and is conquered, sometimes not. Does anybody know on what factors this depends? I prefer to keep the cities I win and to be perfectly sure I sometimes even wait until they have a size of 2 before I take them. But it would be nice to know if a size-1-city may also have the chance to survive a capture.
As Dan often enlightened us in the forums, perhaps he knows the answer?
btw: I gathered some of his answers and more interesting stuff in a Custom Civilopedia, for example the data on "We love the King day", as this one is missing in the original Civilopedia. I also customized some advisor event messages to have more links into the Custom Civilopedia to make the game even more accessible and understandable. But I still can't publish anything, as any mods that change the original Civ3 files are still interdicted over here in Germany
. But at least a little contact to Infogrames exists and I hope that they perhaps may change their opinion somewhere down the road - perhaps when the big sales are over and they must not be worried about fan interventions anymore
Wouldn't it be nice to have a "living" Civilopedia including a community maintained ingame FAQ, strategy guide and community links? I even could imagine a "Communitypedia" if Firaxis would be so nice to expand the concept a little, perhaps together with the multiplayer expansion. Not everybody enjoys to read through a dozen of forums each day to stay up-to-date, IMHO it would be great if one could just download a compiled ingame Civ3 pedia-file with the core of relevant data (sources: Civ3Home, Apolyton, CivFanatics, German CivWebring..., data: FAQ, strategy guide, Mod overview...).
As Dan often enlightened us in the forums, perhaps he knows the answer?
btw: I gathered some of his answers and more interesting stuff in a Custom Civilopedia, for example the data on "We love the King day", as this one is missing in the original Civilopedia. I also customized some advisor event messages to have more links into the Custom Civilopedia to make the game even more accessible and understandable. But I still can't publish anything, as any mods that change the original Civ3 files are still interdicted over here in Germany

Wouldn't it be nice to have a "living" Civilopedia including a community maintained ingame FAQ, strategy guide and community links? I even could imagine a "Communitypedia" if Firaxis would be so nice to expand the concept a little, perhaps together with the multiplayer expansion. Not everybody enjoys to read through a dozen of forums each day to stay up-to-date, IMHO it would be great if one could just download a compiled ingame Civ3 pedia-file with the core of relevant data (sources: Civ3Home, Apolyton, CivFanatics, German CivWebring..., data: FAQ, strategy guide, Mod overview...).