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Stupid question.....but

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  • Stupid question.....but

    I was just wondering on something which I have yet to see.. does the AI ever use nuclear weapons against the human player or other AI civs?

    I mean the AI should! I just want a reason to unleash total nuclear hell upon the world should someone be foolish enough to launch against me.

    Another thing which I would like to be added if they could work it out, I believe in the release version of Civ3 - there was the M.A.D Feature for ICBM's? I know it didn't work properly, think they'll ever get it fixed?

    You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

    The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.

  • #2
    Personally, I have yet to see nukes used in a game (by me or the AI).


    • #3
      the AI has only nuked me AFTER i have used nukes.
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        Re: Stupid question.....but

        Originally posted by ChaingKaiShek
        I was just wondering on something which I have yet to see.. does the AI ever use nuclear weapons against the human player or other AI civs?

        Yes. I got nuked. First.

        I was besieging Paris and I guess the French decided they might as well use their only nuke. Fortunatly it was a tac nuke and only hit a city I took from the French. Unfortuntaly I had a lot of tanks hanging around the city. Emphasis on HAD.

        Thats the only nuke I have seen used in at least a dozen games. I don't like them. I am under the impression AI isn't fond of them either but they do build a few. I suspect that if I started throwing the things I would get them back.

        When I get in a late war knocking out the unranium is one of my highest priorities even if the other civ doesn't have fission yet.


        • #5
          You might be in more danger of getting nuked if you haven't developed them yet...
          12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
          Stadtluft Macht Frei
          Killing it is the new killing it
          Ultima Ratio Regum


          • #6
            I've seen the AI start nuking each other. ver 1.07

            If you nuke first, everybody will likely nuke you back. Based on experiments with 1.07

            Current game with 1.17. Manhatten was 30+ turns ago. I have 10 ICBMs. None of the 3 large AIs left have built any. BTW, I didn't build Manhatten. I was at war for 20 turns with the civ who did. Never got nuked.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              I was playing after winning the space race...just to see all the content of the game, I had built a few nukes, but hadn't used them. Around year 2100, the 3 remaining civs begin nuking the hell out of me and each other, it got to the point where it was impossible to warming and pollution were uncontrolable and untolerable.

              Nuclear war is not a logical option.
              "And that, my friends, sucks goat ass." ---Venger---


              • #8
                Originally posted by UberKruX
                the AI has only nuked me AFTER i have used nukes.
                Exactly the same. I tried an ICBM (just to see how it works) on Germans in my last game and received one some turns later. I answered with an other ICBM and got another one and... I won by space race.
                "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


                • #9
                  i was plaing on a huge map once, and me and the germans were pretty huge, and they a slight tech lead on me (damn deity cheats).

                  anyway, when i got my first ICBM, i hit berlin, just to see what happened.

                  next turn i ate 12 ICBMs, 2 on Athens and the rest scattered all over.
                  "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                  - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                  • #10
                    Eh well I've tested the Nuclear attack thing a bit and finally found out that the AI will use nukes to attack if they are attacked first but they dont seem to like to nuke the player first. Maybe it's because I always had them first (And I tend to keep a large nuclear arsenal.. you know, to keep people from nuking me )

                    Anyway I built up a fairly good sized nuclear force and struck the English whom were *far* Away. So each of their cities got a lovely ICBM landed in their backyards and sure enough, no response except to have the two other civs on *MY* island declare war upon me.. no big deal really.

                    About 20 turns later I noticed an' english sub sneaking past my naval fleet and sure enough the attacked Rome in return for an' attack which happened turns ago. Ah well. Lucky they didn't have a huge stockpile like myself.

                    One more stupid question, I've not seen the AI threaten you when they have nuclear weapons. They did this in Civ1 and maybe 2.. You know, something along the lines of.. "I'd like to advise you that Germany is now a NUCLEAR POWER." Always thought that was funny, and more reasons to march my troops over and smack the hell out them!

                    You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

                    The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spock
                      I was playing after winning the space race...just to see all the content of the game, I had built a few nukes, but hadn't used them. Around year 2100, the 3 remaining civs begin nuking the hell out of me and each other, it got to the point where it was impossible to warming and pollution were uncontrolable and untolerable.

                      Nuclear war is not a logical option.

                      I hate nukes, both in game concept (remember how nuclear wars end up in an unplayable, unattractive game) as in real life.

                      Therefore I'll never build Manhattan Project. Sometimes another civ gets the idea of building it. I'll definitely attempt to destroy the producing city (buying time bombing up all city improvements to cripple productivity) and invade and raze afterwards.

                      In civ3 I've never seen a nuke

                      " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
                      - emperor level all time
                      - I'm back !!! (too...)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by UberKruX
                        anyway, when i got my first ICBM, i hit berlin, just to see what happened.

                        next turn i ate 12 ICBMs, 2 on Athens and the rest scattered all over.
                        Ever heard of the term M.A.D.? I think Civ3 follows that rule, since I don't see the AI using nukes unless I use them... on any level.
                        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thrawn05

                          Ever heard of the term M.A.D.? I think Civ3 follows that rule, since I don't see the AI using nukes unless I use them... on any level.

                          No No No, We aren't talking "Terms" here. We are talking about the feature which was included in the release build of the game which you could lock ICBM's onto enemy cities - in the event they would attack you (Nuclear or conventual I think.) The ICBM's would be sent off to their targets. Works great for when you had a small standing army, but a bunch of ICBMs laying around.

                          You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

                          The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.


                          • #14
                            I don't believe that the feature you are talking about ever existed in any publically available version of the game.

                            I doubt it for versions internal to Firaxis also. What you are describing just wouldn't work for civ3. I send Nuc1 at CivB. They reply with all their nukes before I can launch Nuc2... Doesn't sound so good.

                            BTW. MAD is in as far as I can tell, after a fashion. I have not seen a nuke destroyed by a nuke. That would mean that you can respond in your turn. They launch all theirs, you launch all yours. Hence MAD. I could be wrong.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #15
                              notyoueither, I think you´re right. That was discussed in another thread. Maybe no bombard unit can get destroyed by a nuke? I don´t know.

                              About getting into nuclear war and that it really cripples the game - sure it does, I mean, in that way it is very realistic! So I don´t complain about it at all. However, I think the nuking animation really boring, just a little "poof". It was much better in Civ II, when you actually could hear the air strike alarm before the explosion. Not to talk about SMAC:s planet busters - that is what I call a bomb!

