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Elements of Civ2 I Want Back

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  • Elements of Civ2 I Want Back

    even though Fiaxis ignores me and blocked all my threads, i'm going to rant about things i believe should be brought back.
    [list=1][*]Top 5 Cities List[*]Wonders of the World List[*]Intelligence Screen (shows all techs a civ has, their cities, etc w/o going into diplomacy)[*]A Casuality List[*]the ability to turn off the throne room (palace)[*]diplomats and spies (i understand that this just wont happen, but i rant)[*]farmland (improved irrigation)[*]limited terraforming (plains to grasslands, grasslands to plains, no mountain tearing)[*]selling improvments that actually give you a decent sum of gold[*]multiplayer[/list=1]

    anyone else?
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

  • #2
    1) Press F11
    2) Press F7


    • #3
      Re: Elements of Civ2 I Want Back

      Originally posted by UberKruX [list=1][*]Top 5 Cities List
      try F11 (i think)
      [SIZE=1][*]Wonders of the World List
      try F7
      [SIZE=1][*]Intelligence Screen (shows all techs a civ has, their cities, etc w/o going into diplomacy)[*]A Casuality List
      definately would be nice to know the death count
      [SIZE=1][*]the ability to turn off the throne room (palace)
      I think that if you ignore this a few times, it will stop asking. I think it was 3 times.
      [SIZE=1][*]diplomats and spies (i understand that this just wont happen, but i rant)[*]farmland (improved irrigation)
      I think adding railroads achieves the same effect as farming in civ2, I could be horribly wrong on that though.
      [SIZE=1][*]limited terraforming (plains to grasslands, grasslands to plains, no mountain tearing)[*]selling improvments that actually give you a decent sum of gold
      Agree, plains to grassland yes. mountains to grassland, no
      Agree that selling a barracks that takes 20 turns to build should net more than 5 gold.
      as has been said before, this will be added by expansion, which exactly what happened for civ2

      I think I would like to have a worker upgrade that moves two spaces, like the engineer.

      edited for space considerations


      • #4
        1 and 2 are in there..

        and for everything else I 100% agree..


        • #5
          I think adding railroads achieves the same effect as farming in civ2, I could be horribly wrong on that though.
          You are correct, building railroads on irrigated land gives even more food.


          • #6
            How about tax collectors and science people who are actually useful, so that there is a point in having a size 35 city as opposed to a size 20 city optimized for production.


            • #7
              How about tax collectors and science people who are actually useful, so that there is a point in having a size 35 city as opposed to a size 20 city optimized for production.
              You can at least change that with the Editor.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GeneralTacticus You can at least change that with the Editor.
                That's #11... a complete & unbuggy editor that you can make scenarios with (including setting Civ starting positions).


                • #9
                  That's #11... a complete & unbuggy editor that you can make scenarios with (including setting Civ starting positions).
                  I know that the Editor is far from perfect, but that doesn't mean it can't be used. Some people here seem to have this conviction that they must not use the editor because it can't do everything they want.


                  • #10
                    They are probably thinking that because they are the kind of peolpe to do things half-way, like me. i don't want to come up with this great idea, then have it not work because the friggen software won't let it, so I just ignore the editor and ply the game. Sam with the multiplayer, I'm not even going to think about that until I know that we are getting multiplayer. I agree with everything else that has been siad though. I think that Firaxis screwed up pretty bad on this one, don't you???


                    • #11
                      For the most part I agree, but I don't like Civ2's spies as actual units. Abstraction a la Civ3 is better, but the way they did it in Civ3 leaves much to be desired. More spies should equal more success... right?

                      Terraforming is also something I don't think would work with Civ3. Because global warming works on such a small, gradual scale, and workers are so plentiful and easy to come by, the ability to terraform grassland and plains seems like it would translate into a really easy way to negate global warming. In Civ3, the damage is permanent (as it should be).
                      Lime roots and treachery!
                      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                      • #12
                        #12 - food convoys! These were handy for two reasons.
                        1) many cities produce an odd number of food, so you have a population that grows, starves then grows again. WIht convoys, you could send the extra food from one city to another city and stablize them both.
                        2) "Bread Basket" strategy. This reflects real-life. NYC does NOT grow all the food the consume. Using food convoys, you can have a few food producing cities help support production cities.

