Give an option to "skip" having to watch automated workers every turn.
Unconditional surrender? In essence get the production of low corruption cities without increasing your own corruption? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?
Wonder movies -- well I guess it is a good thing they put effort into movies and animations, then, but personally, after a few games, I would just as soon turn off all that in exchange for faster gameplay. The wonder splashes and age change screens are a great plenty / too much for my tastes already.
I agree that the game plays well as it is, but there are several things that would reduce the tedium without interfering with actual gameplay. I don't like corruption or war weariness, and I see why they don't fix the problem, but I can't come up with anything that works better, either, so I won't complain about them...
My Patch-Level Wish List
1. As for "stack movement", I would be ecstatic if they would just allow groupings like they have in the Age of Empires series -- Ctrl (number) to assign a group, then just (number) to select all those units, then implement the functions group wake, group fortify and group move, where the group moves to the limit of the slowest moving unit.
2. Another "nice to have" would be Ctrl-U for upgrade all units of this type in this city, for when you have quite a few obsolete units in a particular border town that will be under attack in a turn or two, but not enough gold to upgrade all those units country-wide.
3. Wake multiple units from the Military Advisor screen, when you can see wherever it was you left outdated units.
4. Population / tile value change summary screen. If I could just get a list of all the cities that either changed pop, and thus may need to have their laborers tweaked, and those cities who had a tile improve (or decline), then visit those cities in order, rather than periodically going through every stinking town to see if it can be done better...
5. Numeric summary happy/content/unhappy. Counting faces is just irritating, and prone to error, particularly after 12 pop, so I end up having to leave the governor in control of mood.
6. Mark a worker as "Finish what you are doing, then ask for orders." (for automated workers, I mean)
7. Numeric entry of gold into science, in lieu of slider bar.
8. Individual city science appropriation -- Super Science City has all its money going into research, Pig's Knuckle, Arkansas has no science expenditure.
9. Workers shouldn't cost pop. I would much rather have the AI have a gazillion workers than a gazillion Legion. Why further encourage warfare over building?
10. Quick list of city upgrades in domestic advisor. Glance down a list of checkmarks and see which cities don't have a bank, glance across at their income, and decide whether to build one. (Hint: This could fit inl that space where you currently show all the happy/content/unhappy faces (see #5))
11. Capitol cost -- Seems to me the intent is to prevent one from continually moving his capitol to take advantage of culture flipping. Of course, mostly this is done with leaders, so the cost is kind of immaterial, no? If one thinks increasing the cost helps somehow, maybe just increase the cost each time it is built, don't base it on how many cities you have. This solution makes it really tough for someone who started in a bad location. If you relocate early, it is cheaper, but the number of shields expended messes you up for life.
That's a great plenty, since not many read this far anyway.