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Stupid mistakes that cost you a game

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  • #16
    I was nearing endgame and finished the UN, held a vote and FORGOT WHO I WAS. I voted for someone else thinking that was me and he won! Can't get much stupider than that.



    • #17
      I remember a game where I was playing as the Indians and
      was fighting the Japanese.

      I was winning and the Japanese had lost everything but
      one city. Now my army parked next to the Japanese city ready
      to burn it to the ground the on next turn.
      My forces overnumbered the Japanese by some 100 to 1 at that time so there was not going to be any contest.
      I had moved my idefending nfantry from my capital to the frontline knowing that nothing could reach that city since
      the Japs are not able to use my railroads and in anycase did not have any units left.

      Well, I FORGOT that cavalries have 3 moves instead of 2.
      Now here comes the japs revange....a cavalry having enough moves, even when inside my territory, to reach my capital city with only a swordman defending.
      They killed my swordman and burned my capital to the ground
      destroying the heart of my culture - including Sistine Chappel, The Colossus, Leonardos workshop and Adam's. It still makes me mad to even think about it - and the worst thing is that there is no one else to blame than myself. ARrgh

      GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
      even mean anything?


      • #18
        I don't remember mistakes costing me the game, but here is my last small one:
        When contacting the germans, I wanted to make them a gift of 10 gold. I intead offered them 10gold PER TURN. Bismarck refused ?!?!? Was he afraid that, in exchange of such a huge early gift, I later ask him some pervert thing?

        Otherwise a very common one for me is either not to check (or to forget) the MPPs.
        Evil romans sneak attack me and take one of my cities. In my attemp to retake the city, I trigger the MPP they had with the russians

        Or, when at war with with some far civ and not willing to conquer them, to attack one of their units (typically a ship) within their territory, triggering the war weariness among my people and/or the MPP they had with a 3rd civ.
        The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dry
          I don't remember mistakes costing me the game, but here is my last small one:
          When contacting the germans, I wanted to make them a gift of 10 gold. I intead offered them 10gold PER TURN. Bismarck refused ?!?!? Was he afraid that, in exchange of such a huge early gift, I later ask him some pervert thing?
          Did you earn at least +10/gold a turn when you proposed that deal? The foreign leader won´t accept a per turn deal unless you acutally are earning that much per turn! So if you were only earning e.g. +3 gold/turn then you cannot offer more than 3 gold a turn. Everything more would be refused.

          GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
          even mean anything?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Saurus
            Did you earn at least +10/gold a turn when you proposed that deal?
            Yes! ...errr, I mean: No!.... well, no I mean: Precisely!... errr, no I mean: Exactly not!

            Fffff, english is a difficult language . Should I wanswer yes or no?
            What I mean is:
            yes you are right, I didn't earn 10+gold/turn

            BTW: Its the second time I would like a :sigh: smiley (not of relief, but of exhaustment/discouragement). Is it available somewhere?
            The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame. Oscar Wilde.


            • #21
              Its the second time I would like a :sigh: smiley (not of relief, but of exhaustment/discouragement).
              You could try one of these.

              I think the second might fit best.


              • #22
                How about this one, Dry?


                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by The Thinker
                  I was nearing endgame and finished the UN, held a vote and FORGOT WHO I WAS. I voted for someone else thinking that was me and he won! Can't get much stupider than that.



                  • #24
                    Not Civ III, but I used to forget to launch my spaceship in time. Whoopsy.


                    • #25
                      I was nearing endgame and finished the UN, held a vote and FORGOT WHO I WAS.
                      Oh that is hilarious!

                      You know who rock bands have to be reminded of which city they are playing in, for when they yell "We love you New York!" or wherever (because they travel so much)...

                      I could just see Hitler, during one of his "we are the best" speeches ... "And the superior people are ... um ... now I know its not the Chinese ... uh ... don't help me ... (looks at cue card) the Germans, yes the Germans!"
                      Good = Love, Love = Good
                      Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                      • #26
                        Not a game loser... but i prebuilt the hoover dam in a city without a river more than once.
                        [c3c] 1.22(f?)
                        For better barbarians, add NoAIPatrol=0 to conquests.ini (see this thread )


                        • #27
                          One time I mistook my ally (Aztecs) for my enemy (persia) because their "unique" colors are so alike. I controled Austrailia, Indonesia, and the Chinese coast; The Aztecs controled Central Asia and Pakistan; Persia controled sothern Africa.

                          DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!!

