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Game unplayable on reaching the Modern Era

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  • Game unplayable on reaching the Modern Era

    Whenever I enter the Modern Era in any of my games and save the game, it won't load . It just sits for ages on 57% and when I press Ctrl+Alt+Del it says 'not responding'. Does anyone know what to do about this?

  • #2
    How long is ages? Sometimes it takes me 2/3 minutes to load. Let it wait for a while.

    If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


    • #3
      Re: Game unplayable on reaching the Modern Era

      Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
      Whenever I enter the Modern Era in any of my games and save the game, it won't load . It just sits for ages on 57% and when I press Ctrl+Alt+Del it says 'not responding'. Does anyone know what to do about this?

      What are you system spec? That would help better understand your problem.
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


      • #4
        Got the lastet patch at

        May have something to do with it.

        Version 1.17f

        Also, its a big game to load up in the modern age.


        • #5
          you're not missing much


          • #6
            Well, I can't actually say how long the game sits for, but when I say 'ages', I meen the f*cking thing DOESN'T LOAD. The loading period takes longer and longer as I go further into the game, until it just stops in the Modern Age. I have the V1.17f Patch, so no having it is probably not the problem. How do I actually find out the system specs? I know I have Windows '98, how do I find out anything else?


            • #7
              Click on Start, then Run, type in dxdiag and then start writing down stuff. Sytem info, sound and display. Type this in notepad (start, accessories, notepad) and title it system info and place in My Documents in a folder called system info.

              Paste it here. While you are in dxdiag, look at everything and see if there are errors. Post them here if you like and someone can probably help you.

              Civ3's minimum specs are too low. As far as I am concerned its a pig and should be uninstalled, but take care when you do because it leaves crap all over the place.

              I think you should buy SMAC and join the elite of TBS hardcore gamers.


              • #8
                One thing you can do is shut down everything running in the background memory. Ctrl-Alt-Delete and end task everything but explorer and systray.

                That might help but if I were you I would UNINSTALL THIS PIG


                • #9
                  Well, the info I got was:
                  OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 98 (build 2222)
                  PROCESSOR: Intel Pentium III, ~800MHz
                  MEMORY: 128MB RAM
                  PAGE FILE: 86MB used, 1834MB available
                  DirectX Version: Version 8.0 (

                  I think you should buy SMAC and join the elite of TBS hardcore gamers.
                  I already have SMACX, and I love it, but I also have Civ 3, and I like playing that too.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                    MEMORY: 128MB RAM
                    Although it's not needed for CIV3, you might want to spend a little money to get some more RAM. For less than you spent on CIV3, you could get another 128 to 256 Mb of memory and make your system run a bit faster.
                    None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                      Well, the info I got was:
                      OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 98 (build 2222)
                      PROCESSOR: Intel Pentium III, ~800MHz
                      MEMORY: 128MB RAM
                      PAGE FILE: 86MB used, 1834MB available
                      DirectX Version: Version 8.0 (
                      You sure do meat the minimum requirements. Make sure you are not running any other program, even the ones that are the system tray.

                      Also, are you able to load save game files in other games? If there is a problem with other games, your HD or somthing in between is currupt.
                      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                      • #12
                        Its probably just the game. Adding another stick of ram may not fix it.

                        Try to send the file to someone and see if they can load it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jimmytrick
                          One thing you can do is shut down everything running in the background memory. Ctrl-Alt-Delete and end task everything but explorer and systray.

                          That might help but if I were you I would UNINSTALL THIS PIG

                          I guess we all keep hoping Firaxis will eventually get it right.

                          The reality is they will try to sell us a new edition with minimal improvements.


                          • #14
                            im playing on my wifes piece of sheep comp with 64k. never had a problem loading but the bigger the map, the longer the wait


                            • #15
                              Also, are you able to load save game files in other games? If there is a problem with other games, your HD or somthing in between is currupt.
                              No problem loading saves from other games,or even from Civ 3 before the Modern Era. Here are the twi Modern saves I have.
                              Attached Files

