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War weariness reversed

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  • War weariness reversed

    I have observed that sometimes as the American (I almost always play American, I feel nothing beats the Expansionist/Industrious combo), in Republic or Democracy, my cities all get happier when someone declares war on me, and they go rioting or end "we love the President" when peace is declared. Has someone else experimented this, and is there any explanation? I thought that Rep. and Dem. regimes hated war consistently.

  • #2
    What you describe is consistent with what the manual says. Your starting wars makes your people unhappy, but having someone declare war on you improves their "happiness" at least initially. (Think of it as the people's being so mad at their attackers that domestic problems that had been making them unhappy don't seem like such a big deal all of a sudden. Then when the war goes away, they start focusing on all those pesky domestic problems again.)



    • #3
      Originally posted by nbarclay
      What you describe is consistent with what the manual says. Your starting wars makes your people unhappy, but having someone declare war on you improves their "happiness" at least initially. (Think of it as the people's being so mad at their attackers that domestic problems that had been making them unhappy don't seem like such a big deal all of a sudden. Then when the war goes away, they start focusing on all those pesky domestic problems again.)

      I was wondering about that. It happened to me a little while ago as I played the Persians. The Germans declared war on me and what seemed like evey one of my cities went into WLTKD.
      You're a man- you can be replaced.


      • #4
        it's supposed to show that whole patriotic "kill the infidels" boom of production.
        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

