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Emperor is EVIL!!!

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  • Emperor is EVIL!!!

    Ok, so yesterday I started playing my first Emperor game, Pangaea, and I find my self on a huge island (mind that, I chose Pangaea) with Russians, Babylonions, and Egyptians, starting from Middle Ages, I attack Babylonianas who were already at war with Russains and Egyptians, Bablyonians get beaten up badly but are not destroyed and then I make peace with them.

    Then, about 10-20 turns later, I find out that they have I tiny city left on an island, when I approach it, Babylonians bribe ALL civs (even my allies) to make war with me... I re-load, and try to approach it ater 2 more turns, same results eventho I DO NOT redeclare war on them.

    I think that ALL the dificulty levels after Regent cheat in one way or another (I'm not talking about free untis, fater build, and all that crap).
    I don't conquer -
    I obliterate

  • #2
    Re: Emperor is EVIL!!!

    Originally posted by TheDarkCavalier
    Ok, so yesterday I started playing my first Emperor game, Pangaea, and I find my self on a huge island (mind that, I chose Pangaea) with Russians, Babylonions, and Egyptians, starting from Middle Ages, I attack Babylonianas who were already at war with Russains and Egyptians, Bablyonians get beaten up badly but are not destroyed and then I make peace with them.

    Then, about 10-20 turns later, I find out that they have I tiny city left on an island, when I approach it, Babylonians bribe ALL civs (even my allies) to make war with me... I re-load, and try to approach it ater 2 more turns, same results eventho I DO NOT redeclare war on them.

    I think that ALL the dificulty levels after Regent cheat in one way or another (I'm not talking about free untis, fater build, and all that crap).
    This is why I play Warlord. It's more fun.

    Anyway, I'm sure if you look at some of Vel's stargity pages, you might be able to apply Deity stragety to Emperor.
    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


    • #3
      Warlord's not fun once you've beaten Monarch, seems too easy, and I don't think that Regent cheats.
      I don't conquer -
      I obliterate


      • #4
        I ever play as monarch and recently begin to play in Emperor... is pretty hard but the victory is more satisfactory...
        Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
        religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


        • #5
          Damn. never happened to me yet. That would really suck indeed.
          Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


          • #6
            Soren said everything after regent cheats.

            everythign before regent cheatin in the HUMANS favor (slows down AI production etc).

            regent has NO cheating.
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #7
              and wait until you get to diety (or deity or whatever), where the AI starts with 2 settlers 3 workers and some units.
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #8
                Emperor is definately evil.

                I don't like that guy Darth Vader who hangs out with him either

                -When in doubt attack. When not in doubt, attack anyways - it's more fun


                • #9
                  Originally posted by petey
                  Emperor is definately evil.

                  I don't like that guy Darth Vader who hangs out with him either
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #10

                    FINALLY, someone understood...
                    I don't conquer -
                    I obliterate


                    • #11

                      Glad i'm not that good. I can look forward to playing Civ III for a long time. I'm sure I will be in the middle ranges by the time Civ IV comes out. Fun to be dumb sometimes.


                      • #12
                        im still tryin to figure it out on newbie levels.

