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Kinky idea for XP, or Civ4, or whatever...

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  • Kinky idea for XP, or Civ4, or whatever...

    Now, im playing Marla's world map, as the Iroquois. I discover the old (new) world before the USA or Aztechs do... and i imeadiately set up trades for horses, cuz America has none on Marla's map, as many must know.

    Anyways, by this time, i have the tech for Knights, so im building Knights. I station my first couple in my capital and surrounding cities, so in case the USA attacks me, i have the best offensive units on the continent ready to strike at Washington....

    and then, i realise something... not only do i have the best offensive unit on the continent... i have the only horses on the continent, and i just think of all the things i could use them for.

    And one of those ideas is shameless tourism abuse.

    "Come to Montreal to see North America's only horses! Come one come all."

    Wouldn't that be great? For certain strategic resources, in certain circumstances, it would be awesome if they could be used as semi-luxuries, and tourism traps, doubling as culture flippers perhaps...

    I dunno, maybe its just late, and im going crazy by watching China surpass me by landmass score... but i just think this would be a great (even if small) feature that could add alot to gameplay in the long run... more reason to drive to have monopolies.

    Anyone else have some unheard/unthought of ideas?
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.

  • #2
    i allways wanted to see uraniumfields
    sign me up!

    it might work for horses i don't think so::
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      tourism is an extremely outlandish feature to put into civ. it's a good idea, but i dont see how it could be implimente well enough.

      one thing that would be better would be if you could trade for 3 horses from the euroasian civs, and sell them to the aztecs and americans yourself.
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        yeah, re-routing trade...

        well... that is sooorta what has made Japan an economic powerhouse... refining trade materials, and selling them.

        And, well, as for tourism, i dunno how to implement it, but if Firaxis could pull it off.. that would be impresive (and if they could pull that off, im guessing they could pull off more... hey, just remember... 20 years ago, "Cloning is imposible")

        And i think Firaxis needs some truly impressive additions to get an XP selling. I wouldnt buy it for MP alone.. and i actually love Civ3.
        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


        • #5
          I would guess that having wonders and other buildings generating culture (even if they're obsolete) is the closest thing to tourism that'll be in civ.


          • #6
            What about Religion? If there was a Religious aspect of the game... similar to Culture, but, in a certain sense, uncontrolable.

            Like... Islam is sweeping through your empire, and you have no control of it...

            and each religion has its own ups and downs...

            so, lets say

            Islam: 1 extra free military unit for every islamic city

            Buddism: X more culture per turn for all Budhist cities without military presence in them

            Christianity: uhhhhh... natural dedication to the wishes of one civ (ok... this example sucks, and its just my tired brain thinking of Rome and the Pope... so be it, its only an example)

            So anyways.. i think this would ultimately be a civ4 idea, i dont think religion would fit into an XP, but who knows...

            my thougts is all nations start with a civ-specific religions(Egyptian, Greek, Roman gods... Taoism for China (or is it Japan, im too tired))... and then religions are introduced at certain years (0 for Christianity, whatever year all the other religions came in... i really am tired, i just have to express this idea)

            the civ specific religions would adapt to certain religions more quickly than others... so Roman to Christian faster than Persian would... Persian swiches to Islam faster than Rome would...
            and then after all of the "natural" relgion flipping calculation is taken into account, certain game factors would cover the rest.

            so, perhaps periods of anarchy... if a civ is religious or not... how big a civ is.. implement certain ways of forcing religion upon others.. (the inquisition... missionary work...whatever)

            anyways, just my thought on how religion could work into civ
            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


            • #7
              Europa Universalis works with religion really have tolerance sliders for dealing with each religion in your country, and each religion offers certain subtle benefits, like extra colonists or missionaries. It's possible for revolts to break out in your provinces and such. Adding a religious element to each of your cities in addition to nationalities could be interesting...


              • #8
                I thought this thread was going to talk about sex in Civ3.
                "I've spent more time posting than playing."

