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How do I get more than peace treaty for ending war?

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  • How do I get more than peace treaty for ending war?

    I wanted to end a war "early" by having the Romans give me a specified city. However only option I found was exchange of peace for peace. Actually, asked them what they would offer for peace.

    Question: Is there some way to say "if you losing civilation will give me item X along with peace, then I will agree and stop the war." ?

    Thanks for the ideas.

  • #2
    If you go into negotiations during war and offer a peace treaty, you should be able to add whatever terms you want to the deal after the treaty is on the table. (cities, techs, gold, etc.) Depending on how well you've done they may refuse to give anything or give you everything they've got left.


    • #3
      That is what I expected but the only option on the left side was "peace treaty", everything else was either absent or dimmed.


      • #4
        IIRC, when you first go into negotiations, the only option you have is for a peace treaty, and once you put that on the table you have access to all the other options. I know that it's possible to do this as I've been able to get several techs from a civ I've defeated in a war.


        • #5
          Ok, thanks. I will try that with the next mini war.


          • #6
            I have seen countless questions on these forums about this. It is unintuitive, but don't pick the option to force peace by threatening them with the fact that your units approach their cities. Use the other option about you being overstretched. If the war is going well for you it comes up with a peace treaty bargain, which you can refuse and submit a counter-offer.


            • #7
              Thank you for the warning. Next campaign will be short, just to consolidate land and put hiccup in Iroquis growth spurt.


              • #8
                I don't bother w/ either of those two options on the initial screen. Just go to negotiations. Try lots of stuff. You get mo' money if you negotiate by turn. Use right click on your mouse when haggling. Makes finding the right price quicker. If you are ruthless, though, take lump sums, and anything else you can bully out of 'em, then pound them again. Great way to catch up in the tech race
                "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you." No they don't! They're just nerve stapled.

                i like ibble blibble


                • #9
                  Sometimes, they will give you all their cities for peace. My enemy in this game gave me several cities leaving just his capital on a frozen penisula.

                  He spent the rest of the game in his "capital" under guard. But we lived up to our agreement and let him live.

