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Agressive AI or Lots of Features

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  • Agressive AI or Lots of Features

    Much has been theorized that in order for CIV3 AI to play as aggressively as possible, the game had to be stripped down of features that allowed human exploitation.

    In doing so the strategies/routines the AI follows are easier to manage/code thus allowing an agressive AI that competes easier with humans.

    If this is true, it begs the question:

    If you had to choose one over the other, which do you prefer?

    An agressive killer AI or

    A game full of features, units, govts., buildings etc.
    Give Me a killer AI
    Heck with the AI I want features and late game fun
    What are you talking about CIV3 has plenty of features
    I'll take a banana split please
    "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

    “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter

  • #2
    I voted for "killer AI." Maybe just because I've found feature-packed poor-AI games much more common than games with good AI.

    I think one's gaming habits can have alot to do with this.

    If you want to play multiplayer, AI doesn't matter as much.
    If you want to play LOTS of games, AI doesn't matter as much. (Buy a game - play it - ooh, fun features - learn to beat it - buy new game.)
    Or if you like civ-type games to be more software "toys" than games, AI doesn't matter as much.
    Or if you enjoy trying to maximize your score, AI doesn't matter as much. (You do need some opposition, but the focus would be on trying out new features and see if you can push your score higher.)


    • #3
      Yum... Banana Splits

      Sometimes more features does not mean a worse AI. Case in point - Bananas. Most people don't keep playing a game if they start in jungles, but the AI always does. Placing bananas in jungles would be both an added feature & help the AI in beginning (which greatly determines the Civ's future - notice how those tundra/jungle/desert AI Civs are never superpowers later?). And if a human now decides starting in a jungle is worth while (or atleast a try) you have now added a new perspective to play from & with a still challenging AI. So for me... I'll take the banana split please.


      • #4
        By Killer AI, do you mean AI that's smarter and will not start a war with it's trusted ally who has a larger standing army, and if at war would send it a large stack of units that might take a city once in a while? Or do you mean an AI that cheats even more than the current one does, maybe with new AI-only forms of government and units and great leaders every other turn?

        'Cause I would like the AI to play smarter. Rik


        • #5
          I want an AI with the following:

          - Knows when it is being beaten and sues for peace.
          - Knows when it needs strategic resources - prepares an army and then has a go at getting them.
          - Can determine the difference between global superiority and local superiority in military strength.
          - Knows how to do Normandy landings and not a constant stream of Bay of Pigs disasters!
          - Tries to be nice to you when you are bigger or more advanced (so that you help during a war - at the moment the AI comes to your door asking you to attack an enemy when he has been stabbing you in the back for the last 1000 years!).

          That is all I can think of at this stage for the high level stuff.

          Diplomacy (just quickly)
          - My diplomacy advisor being wrong (advisor - "I don't think they will accept that proposal" send proposal and advisor comments - "Holy cow they accepted!")
          - Counter proposals from AI - ie "I will accept your proposal for an extra 100 gold" or "How about we swap the gold for some coal as my empire could really use that right now(!)"
          - Germany says "France is being a pain in the butt right now - how about we have a military alliance for the duration of the war and lets do a surprise attack in 5 turns."

          Well I guess I can dream...

