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What is real relationship between productivity and income?

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  • What is real relationship between productivity and income?

    Now puzzled by how income numbers are generated.

    1. F11 screen showed total production for year
    2. F1 screen sliders were % of F11 production.
    3. Thus if F11 production showed 1000 and I set science at 20% and entertainment at 10%, then
    200 would go to science
    100 would go to entertainment
    700 would go to treasury

    But here is what I am seeing, with only changing sliders

    Initial Data

    Year Production Income Sci% Ent%
    1425 2617 1923 20 30
    1440 2906 2264 50 10

    Slider change only

    Year Production Income Sci% Ent%
    1425 2675 2023 20 10
    1440 2967 ??? 50 0

    1. Why does production change when only tax rates are changed?

    2. What is real relationship between productivity and income?

  • #2
    As I understand it, productivity and income are different things, although they tend to be parallel of one another.

    Your city squares worked by population produce three raw numbers: food, shields, and commerce. Production is calculated from the number of shields. Income is calculated from the commerce of worked tiles, then along with any trade agreements, if you have Wall Street, tax collectors, yadda yadda yadda. It is from that commerce that the income is calculated, and that you set your slider to divide it up in how you want to spend for science and luxury. The slider is _commerce-based_ and not productive-based.


    • #3

      Year 1425 Tax=50% Tax=30% Difference

      shield production 2617 2657 40

      commerce income 1923 2023 100
      sci % 20 20 0
      Ent % 30 10 -20
      Total Tax % 50 30 -20

      Total commerce tax 962 607 -355
      Balance to treasury 961 1416 455

      Doesn't make sense that either 100 commerce income will exchange to 40 shields or that 455 commerce balance will exchange to 40 shields.

      The exchange rate is not 2.5 gold to 1 shield nor 11.4 gold to 1 shield.


      • #4
        I'm not sure what causes that. Is it possible that governors rearrange worked tiles according to the slider bar, and that rearranging would change the production value?

