sorry, had to give the thread another chance before plunging into the dreaded second page. ^_^
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The ultimate version of civilization
Hi Kenjura:
You did miss one Major improvement that I would like to see in CivX. Reduced Micromanagement. Although I'll give you half points in that great AI would reduce the micromanagement burden. That's because a player could turn things over to governors if the governors weren't frequently outsmarted by stalks of broccoliI wrote a column about that ages ago, I think its column like 93 or 97, somewhere in the 90's anyway!
Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!
And if Mark's Clash doesn't take your fancy there are other alternatives closely related to Civ.
Things like Freeciv or Civ-evo for instance. Personally I prefer Freeciv (Which was designed to be MP friendly from the start) because once you get used to rudimentary interface it plays FAST. Simply because you can tweak everything in the interface. Don't want city reports as popups? Just set the output to the msg line. Don't want any reports at all? Simple you can simply turn off all the reports you want. How about unit unit management? A proper goto function, settlers that don't act like idiots but follow orders (e.a build a road between two cities).
The only real drawbacks are the spartan interface and the "still in progress"-diplomacy project. The programmers are still dubious on how to implement it because diplomacy hampers the AI more than it does the player. So it still isn't activated. On the higher levels the AI will simply go after you with a vengeance, it knows only one action when meeting a human player: WAR. So fights on a large map with around 25 civs can be quite a handful. MP is another matter...
So why do I prefer Freeciv?
Well, the final feature that took me over the line were the demographics logfiles. Stats than can easily be imported into a spreadsheet. And I love stats!
Help to build a better civilization for the future. Enlist as a Freeciv Beta tester!Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.
Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer