Does anyone out there have a good collection of save games? I am putting together a bit of a project for Video Media, basically the highlights of Civ3.
Unfortunatly I don't have enough time to play through it in every possible way before it is due. I am particularily after diplomatic, cultural, conquest and space saves, e.g. a save game right before it happens.
If you know anywhere online where there are a bunch of saves, please reply, or if you just have some saves that you are particularity proud of feel free to zip them up and send them to
Thanks people
Unfortunatly I don't have enough time to play through it in every possible way before it is due. I am particularily after diplomatic, cultural, conquest and space saves, e.g. a save game right before it happens.
If you know anywhere online where there are a bunch of saves, please reply, or if you just have some saves that you are particularity proud of feel free to zip them up and send them to
Thanks people