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Animated GIF's for the unit creator in you

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  • Animated GIF's for the unit creator in you

    Here is a link to a page with over 7 forum pages filled with animated gifs to provide potential unit creators to an easier and higher quality way to create some of the units they want to build. It has things from fantasy medievel, starships, realistic, vehicles, infantry, lots of stuff. So if your looking for something to base your FLC's off of, or just have some Animated GIF's to add to the pile for others to create go here -----------> Animated GIF's Library

    Good Luck and Enjoy

    Sample (posted by BeBro originally)
    Attached Files
    Creator of: The Realism Epic Mod and Scipio Map Modification

    "Donny your out of you element, Dude the China man is not the- Oh and Dude, China man is not the prefered nomenclature..." - Walter *The Big Lebowski