Specific Suggestions for Improving Civ III
A. City governor shouldn't produce extra food in growth inhibited cities.
B. Timed Attack.
Currently, the AI has the ability to decide to go to war before actually declaring war. This is obvious when you watch a stream of AI controlled units march across your territory and then later declare war on your neighbor. In this mode, once the AI decides to declare war, it seems to do so as soon as the first unit has the opportunity to attack.
Instead, the AI should pick a specific future year during which to execute its attack. Then, the Unit AI's should have the ability to hold back and arrive at the desired target at that year. This would allow the AI to better coordinate attacks with ships and ground troops simultaneously, As well as deliver overwhelming force to a specific point at a specific point in time. (exactly what human players do.)
C. Don't allow automated workers to move within capturing distance of a border with a civilization that you are at war with.
D. Fix paratroopers and helicopter units to allow assaults on cities that are behind the initial border cities and teach the AI how to use these units. Currently, you can hold internal cities with warriors even in the modern age if the border cities have enough units in them to discourage attack.
E. Should be able to set the science rate from the science advisor screen.
F. Turns counts are unreadable on science advisor screen.
G. Stack movement.
Shift-J : move only full strength units.
H. Add a summary screen of turn events.
I. Improved trade advisor
Eliminate the need to contact civs to see what they desire in trade.
Change display to
Where #*($#*& are resources and luxuries.
J. Improve foreign Advisor
Add options to Foreign advisor screen to perform all espionage, embassy and intelligence agency functions from this screen.
K. Eliminate science rate micromanagement
Extra beakers (science) should automatically convert to money. (Or anything to avoid setting science every turn, for example a setting to automatically adjust the tax rate to make a discovery every X turns.)
A. City governor shouldn't produce extra food in growth inhibited cities.
B. Timed Attack.
Currently, the AI has the ability to decide to go to war before actually declaring war. This is obvious when you watch a stream of AI controlled units march across your territory and then later declare war on your neighbor. In this mode, once the AI decides to declare war, it seems to do so as soon as the first unit has the opportunity to attack.
Instead, the AI should pick a specific future year during which to execute its attack. Then, the Unit AI's should have the ability to hold back and arrive at the desired target at that year. This would allow the AI to better coordinate attacks with ships and ground troops simultaneously, As well as deliver overwhelming force to a specific point at a specific point in time. (exactly what human players do.)
C. Don't allow automated workers to move within capturing distance of a border with a civilization that you are at war with.
D. Fix paratroopers and helicopter units to allow assaults on cities that are behind the initial border cities and teach the AI how to use these units. Currently, you can hold internal cities with warriors even in the modern age if the border cities have enough units in them to discourage attack.
E. Should be able to set the science rate from the science advisor screen.
F. Turns counts are unreadable on science advisor screen.
G. Stack movement.
Shift-J : move only full strength units.
H. Add a summary screen of turn events.
I. Improved trade advisor
Eliminate the need to contact civs to see what they desire in trade.
Change display to
Where #*($#*& are resources and luxuries.
J. Improve foreign Advisor
Add options to Foreign advisor screen to perform all espionage, embassy and intelligence agency functions from this screen.
K. Eliminate science rate micromanagement
Extra beakers (science) should automatically convert to money. (Or anything to avoid setting science every turn, for example a setting to automatically adjust the tax rate to make a discovery every X turns.)