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How do I find a list of my military casualties?

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  • How do I find a list of my military casualties?

    I've been playing as Persia, and thought I had lots of Spearmen, etc to take on London. But the ONE lone English spearman in the city killed each of my soldiers that attacked him. I must have lost at least 4 or 5. You'd think that having that many attacking him one at a time, he would have died.

    Now, I went to the Military Advisor because I wanted to see exactly how many soldiers I had lost. There is no record there that I can find. In Civ1 you could see how many you had lost by clicking on a certain screen in the Military Advisor.

    How do I find this (if it is available?)

    And why would one spearman keep killing my spearmen that attacked him? (I had barracks, and I think all my spearmen were veterans - as was the English spearman.


  • #2
    You don't. Do you think this is 1989 or something. You're not playing Empire .


    • #3
      Sorry. I don't understand your reply.



      • #4
        there is no casuality list in civ3, he was refrencing another game
        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


        • #5
          Well, that's a shame. I would like to have a record of that.

          On the other topic, any ideas why I lost at least 4 (maybe 5) Spearmen to the English Spearman who was guarding the capital city of London?



          • #6
            Spearmen only have an attack of one, and a defense of 2. It's generally not a good idea to attack anything with them...


            • #7
              So what is the best unit to attack with in the early days? (Around 250 BC)



              • #8
                The best unit at this moment is the sworsdmen and the Horseman.
                THe usual tactic is to attack first with the horseman, if it lose they can retreat and later with the sworsmen. You can use catapults too, especially if they have city walls.
                Traigo sueños, tristezas, alegrías, mansedumbres, democracias quebradas como cántaros,
                religiones mohosas hasta el alma...


                • #9
                  horsemen / swordmen / knights. if you dont have them by then, you're doing something horribly wrong :-/
                  "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                  - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                  • #10
                    If you have the Iron resource in your trade network, you can build Swordsmen (available with Iron Working, which also makes the Iron resources visible on the map). These units have the best attack (3) in the Ancient Age, except for some unique units, like Immortals (persian unit, 4 attack) and Mounted Warriors (Iroqious, 3 attack, has a chance of retreating).

                    A few (2 to 4) Veteran Swordsmen should be able to take out the spearmen.

                    Only use spearmen for defence, it's the only thing their good at...

                    Hope this helps...
                    My Website:
                    My Forums:


                    • #11
                      I didn't have swordsmen. I think I had not done the research necessary for that.

                      Thanks for the tip.

                      I guess what I am learning is this: Don't attack until you have a good strong force and can win. (And don't attack with spearmen or archers. Wait until you get better forces.)



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by UberKruX
                        there is no casuality list in civ3, he was refrencing another game
                        Yet ANOTHER problem with Civ 3.

                        In Civ II we all had casualty lists. But now, even with expensive spies, we do NOT have any list of casualties. We have to sit there with a pen and paper manually counting casualties every battle!! That's what a computer is for, Firaxis.

                        Just another reason why Civ II was AND IS a better game.


                        • #13
                          And a casualty list would be perfect right now. I just ended an inadvertant OCC. I built one other city but that was siezed. The war started sometime in the BCs and my capitol held out until 450AD. The most I had in my city at one time was 4 spearmen and 1 warrior (with walls). First the Russians came at me for, like, 20 turns; then they allied with the Indians, then Germans, then Persia, then the Zulu. Until the last turn I only lost about 3 spearmen but I killed hordes of horsemen, archers and even swordsmen. But, alas, I can't see the bodycount.


                          • #14
                            Why would you want to see a body count for that horror? Bury it. Put a stake through its heart and forget it. Delete it from the high scores file while your at it.

                            Next time find a friend or two. What the heck did you do to all those civs anyway? Run a Ponzi scheme and steal their grandparents retirement money to finance a Great Wonder?

