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  • Bug?

    I've played through several times, but this has never happened before... I got the "Theory of Evolution" wonder, and it gave me two techs; the one I was working on (Steel) and Refining, which I got to choose for the first time. In previous patches/versions the game always chose the two techs for me, and never the one I was working on. That part was fine. But before it gave me Steel, it gave me Medicine (from the Babylonians??) Of course, I already had Medicine. Then, as it went to give me Refining, it again granted me Medicine from the Bablyonians (I'm playing the Greeks). While this error doesn't seem to have affected game play(i.e., I got my two techs, and was happy), it was a bit confusing. Note this has only happened to me on version 1.17f, not any of the others.

    Apologies if this has already come up.


  • #2
    The same thing happened to me. The I got the 2 techs from the ToE, but I also got Monarchy twice from the Americans. I already had Monarchy and the Americans were destroyed (supposedly) many years before.
    Sorry....nothing to say!


    • #3
      I get the Alphabet and Currency from any other civ (one time, I got it from a barbarian!). Too bad I don't save much of my games (nor auto-save, those save files eat my 13GB HD for lunch). This also happens to me if I'm a sci civ and get a "free tech" that I already have. This is for sure a bug.
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!

