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Is 1.17f buggier than earlier versions?

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  • Is 1.17f buggier than earlier versions?

    I haven't had much problems with Civ3 crashing until I got 1.17f. Then, I've had more problems with it crashing, but still not many. I have this one game where I can't get past 1804. When I try to go to 1806, it crashes.

    Anyways, do you think that 1.17f is buggier than earlier versions?
    Yes, 1.17f is buggier.
    No, earlier versions were buggier.
    There is no difference between versions and how many bugs they have.
    I don't know.

  • #2
    To me, 1.07 had most bugs.
    1.16f had less.

    Now I have no problems (1.17).


    • #3
      I agree with Player1
      With 1.07 I would get that disorder pop-up crash (or whatever it was called) periodically. It was annoying, but at least that had a work around. With 1.17f I have had zero crashes, zero technical problems. Of course, I'm running Me which seems to not have the issues with Civ3 that some are having with Xp (har har-Me sucks so hard for everything else, but for Civ3 it is ok )
      Last edited by asleepathewheel; March 17, 2002, 14:21.


      • #4
        Re: Is 1.17f buggier than earlier versions?

        Originally posted by Jonny
        I haven't had much problems with Civ3 crashing until I got 1.17f. Then, I've had more problems with it crashing, but still not many. I have this one game where I can't get past 1804. When I try to go to 1806, it crashes.

        Anyways, do you think that 1.17f is buggier than earlier versions?
        Same thing happened to me with the first patch. I downloaded 1.16, installed it, deleted my old games, and started a new one. Then it kept crashing at 2200 BC

        Thankfully that was the only time that happened to me, and I have only had to abandon that one game.
        The Civ3 world is one where stealth bombers are unable to sink galleons, Man-O-Wars are a powerful counter to battleships, and knights always come equipped with the AT-S2 Anti-Tank Sword.

        The Simwiz2 Combat Mod Version 2.0 is available for download! See the changes here. You can download it from the CivFanatics Thread or the Apolyton Thread.


        • #5
          I crash about every 5 hours, but I have never had a game crash on a year every time.

          The most annoying bug for me is NO DIPLOMATIC LINES on my ADVISORS SCREEN.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jawa Jocky
            The most annoying bug for me is NO DIPLOMATIC LINES on my ADVISORS SCREEN.
            Sounds like you're still on 1.16f. What does it say on the main screen? The screen where you start or load a game (bottom left corner). I've seen some other people who thought they had patched to 1.17, but hadn't.

            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              Originally posted by notyoueither

              Sounds like you're still on 1.16f. What does it say on the main screen? The screen where you start or load a game (bottom left corner). I've seen some other people who thought they had patched to 1.17, but hadn't.

              It comes up as 1.17 and the game play is definitely not 1.16f. I have unistalled and re-installed several times. The Diplomatic Lines have never worked on my computer regardless of which version I've played.


              • #8
                It would be strange for just one or even a few persons to have this problem because of a general bug. I would guess that its something peculiar to your system.

                Do you NEVER have ANY lines? Do have them turned on? Its possible to have the relationship lines turned off.

                You will only see some of the lines if you don't have any embassies.

                How about zipping up a save game and posting it? If it isn't modified anyway.


                • #9
                  There are fewer bugs in v1.17f but the main ones introduced, AI tech whoring and AI self induced starvation make playing the game pointless.


                  • #10
                    You always say the game is pointless. Which makes your posts a bit pointless. Didn't you ever hear the story of the Boy That Cried Wolf?


                    Last I saw you appeared to still be playing the game.

                    The tech trading IS excessive at the moment. I can deal with it but I would prefer it be changed.

                    The self induced starvation isn't something I have seen. Perhaps you are thinking of the excessive use of the whip and the city wrecking drafting. Both of those are techniques that humans have used. Drafting a city to death is one way to get something out of a city that cannot be held.

                    Yes those are overdone now. It may make the game pointless for you but then so does everything else. As a builder I just use it to my advantage.


                    • #11
                      It renders the game pointless because you can just induce the AI into war and then the AI self destructs. My posts are not pointless if it induces posters to lament the flaw, thus inducing Firaxis to fix the flaw.


                      • #12
                        Lets see, my screen flickers when a city text (ex: We love the king day) pops up above a city. And when I set my workers to automate around a city, they sometimes seems to go on strike and I have to do shift-a or just fort them). Other then that, it's okay.
                        I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                        • #13
                          The AI only self destructs when you are within two tiles of the city. Even then you need to have enough troops that AI thinks it can't hold the city. Just starting a war isn't enough for them to start on that.

                          The thing is once the AI loses its intitial troops it tends to be fairly defenseless and that is not new to the 1.17f patch. Now its doing more to defend itself. Its overdoing it though.

                          To me this is more like it would be with a real opponent that is incensed with you. I know that I would never let someone the had attacked me get anything out of it. Scorched earth seems reasonable to me.

                          I think the main problem with the latest patch is that Firaxis didn't have the Beta test team in place yet. Whith outside input for future patches they should be better.

                          BUT the next patch isn't going to come out for a while. Some companies DO like to put them out with every little change but I don't think Firaxis can do that since they have to submit the patches to Infogrammes.

                          The only way to deal with it IF you want the city intact is to take it fast. At the moment if you besiege the city the AI will do more damage than you do. Sure is weird seeing four units pop out of the city and try to run for cover. If you take the city fast enough that doesn't happen.

                          I agree its need changing but Firaxis has seen the complaint umpteen times allready. After a certain point it becomes nagging and NO ONE listens to a nag.

                          The question on this thread is wether game is buggier not whether it has some questionable design decisions.

                          The 1.17f patch IS less buggy than any of the previous versions. It has a couple of things that need adjusting. Some people can't handle them and have removed the patch. Some haven't. I find it interesting to deal with. When it gets changed again that too will be interesting to deal with.


                          • #14
                            I agree w/Ethelred that if I was heavily under seige, then I would whip my pop to death trying to buy time in the long run.

                            What I find to be ironic about the starvation argument is that these are (probably) the same people who can't deal with cultural flips.

                            If the AI city starts out at 20 and starves itself down to 3 or 4 while I am trying to crack it, it only makes it easier for me to preven the flip, with a smaller garrison. And it also means that the population will quickly rise, as the land around it is probably well developed, decreasing even further the flip problem.

                            Maybe this is too prevalent in the newest patch. but, I would deal with this and the tech trading issues rather than get rid of my group movement and other changes. Also its easier to discuss strategy if people have the same version and everyone is on the same page.


                            • #15
                              I always hade some trade glitches(cannot trade Workers sometimes after moving the Palace) but never crashes. My answer: same.

                              Regarding draft and unhappiness: Culture flips are more likely with unhappy citizens. Cities with excessive draft will flip back more likely. That's my experience. The smaller population seems to be less important. Excessive drafting makes Bombers superfluous, though.

