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Razing - Is it bad PR? (or why wont Greece give up?)

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  • Razing - Is it bad PR? (or why wont Greece give up?)

    Greece was the dominant Civ in my game, so when he declared war on me (for invading my borders), I decided to take him down a notch or two. Since he declared war during my turn, I was able to take out 3 pop 12 + cities on that first turn, as well as eliminating all of his units in my territory. I razed two and kept one.

    The next turn, he wont talk to me (I always try to talk before I start attacking for that turn) I take out more cities, including his 3rd largest- I razed it. On the third turn of war, I take out his capital and second largest city, both by razing. Now I think he's had enough, but on the 4th turn, he still wont accept my envoy. He has been chopped in half by my estimation, and should be begging for mercy.

    Is he too mad becuase I have been razing his cities? Any ideas when and if he will talk?



  • #2
    There are some other threads on this topic, you could search on all posts made by Soren, but my scanty recollection is that the AI has been adjusted to wait several turns before even considering peace to prevent what has been called "warjacking", basically getting into a war with an AI, getting boatloads of treasure and techs to declare peace, then re-declaring war again very soon. So, I don't think the AI is going to talk to you until about 8 turns go by, regardless of how hard you smack it.

    And yes, razing cities ticks off the AI and makes it less likely to talk with you. (just observation on my part)
    Where are we going? And why are we in this handbasket?


    • #3
      They will wait until some time passes. Last night I very gently killed off the chinese, capturing half their cities without razing one. They are now a coalition of unimproved villages. Mao refuses to talk. The Persians, too. I captured all of their cities, and still they won't talk - some stray settler settled tundra town after the conquest five turns ago. They won't acknowledge my envoy, so I'm sending a few rifle packing envoys to force the conversation...
      The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

      The gift of speech is given to many,
      intelligence to few.


      • #4
        Actually, this not making peace thing is a real pain if you're in a democracy and you start getting war weariness. I think the "won't even consider peace until x turns have passed" is making fighting wars in a democracy even harder, especially if you only wanted a quick conflict to achieve some strategic goal. Perhaps it could be toned down a bit in the next patch? Perhaps 2 turns if it's your first war with them, 4 for the second, 8 for the third and so on? Also it could be adjusted according to you reputation.


        • #5
          I dont fully apreciate what the point of war weariness is. On the one hand, you might say its a discouragement to being a warmonger, but on the otherhand, another Civ starts a war with me, and I dont have the option to sue for peace. I am left with no choice but to bring my might to bear on this guy, possibly until he is dead. My folks may be experiencing some weariness, but I can assure you its nothing compared to how the greek people feel each time I burn down their cities and enslave their population

          Seems like it would be smarter for him to talk to my envoy.


