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City Won't Grow

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  • City Won't Grow

    Using the 1.17f patch. I have a city at size 11. It was adjacent to an inland sea (a lake) but global warming turned it to desert. Now the city won't grow because it has no aquaduct but I am not given the option to build an aquaduct. Seems to be a bit of a bug.

    Anyone else see this problem? I produced 2 settlers and a worker to drive the pop down to 6 and then the aquaduct shows up as buildable.

    I attached the save if anyone is interested.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Never heard about something like that. Obviously a bug. But your solution of the problem is clever and you can add the pop after the aqueduct is built. *applauds*


    • #3
      You couldn't build a Hospital either?
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • #4
        I have a hospital. It allowed that to be built. It was just the aquaduct that couldn't be built since it was unnecessary back when I was size 6 - the dried up lake was there then.


        • #5
          Just a sanity check: while it was size 11, and without an aquaduct, did it have a food surplus? If it did, then it probably means that you need an aquaduct (or adjacent fresh water) for _each_ size increase after size 6. That's different from the CivII model (I'm pretty sure) but doesn't necessarily mean it's a bug; they could have designed it that way. Makes sense to me, at least. Either way, it's a good puzzle to solve.

          ...just realized I could download the file and check it out myself, but I seem to be lazy at the moment. *shrug*
          " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


          • #6
            I have plenty of excess food. The bug is the fact that the option to build an aquaduct wasn't made available in my city improvement options. This probably never came up in beta testing. A single-square lake is pretty rare and for global warming to turn that specific square to desert must be a one in a million shot. The programmer probably just tests the city up to size 6 to see if an aquaduct is necessary and doesn't check after it grows beyond 6. The thought of a city losing it's fresh water supply probably never occurred to him/her.


            • #7
              Doh! my bad...yes, of course the aquaduct should be in the build list. Sometimes I still think in CivII terms. If you had city with sanitation in CivII, and sold the aquaduct, I think the aquaduct was not in the build list...I could be totally wrong about that, but that's what I seem to remember.

              Also, until your post, I didn't know lakes could turn to desert. All my global warming has turned grassland to plains, etc...

              So, good observation, and I agree that it must have been some programmer failing to put a "check-for-over-size-6-city-without-aquaduct-whose-only-source-of-fresh-water-may-have-been-this-lake" routine in the global warming logic. And I don't blame them.

              If you haven't already, this should probably go in the bug reports thread. If only all bugs were this benign...
              " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH

