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Why can't I end trades?

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  • #16
    Well, then go back to the method I used to end trades before I found the right Active object. On trades tab deselect trade button,
    it may take 2 or 3 turns, but by deselecting and/or clearing all you can end the trades. The only real problem with this method is you can't end just one trade. You have to end all and then if want to trade remake the trade agreements.

    Sounds like a bug, I never get that because I have disabled sound in my game. {1. no sound card. 2. Play late in day and don't want to disturb family}

    I sure hope in 1.18 Firaxis has an easier method to manage trade deals.


    • #17
      Originally posted by planetfall
      Well, then go back to the method I used to end trades before I found the right Active object. On trades tab deselect trade button,
      it may take 2 or 3 turns, but by deselecting and/or clearing all you can end the trades. The only real problem with this method is you can't end just one trade. You have to end all and then if want to trade remake the trade agreements.

      Sounds like a bug, I never get that because I have disabled sound in my game. {1. no sound card. 2. Play late in day and don't want to disturb family}

      I sure hope in 1.18 Firaxis has an easier method to manage trade deals.
      What trade button are you talking about? It sure would be nice if I could figure out how to cancel an agreement, but I'm suspecting I have some sort of bug. As it is now, as soon as I make a deal I'm locked in, until they cancel it at least. It really sucks. It makes me want to avoid any sort of diplomatic/trade action unless absolutely necessary.


      • #18
        Have to do this from memory, will check tonight.


        Select trades tab on folders image at about 2 oclock

        Click on X with blue background. It should change to a white box.

        {Here I am a bit fuzzy, don't know if we have to select one of the object labels a the bottom of the folder box. Think the labels may be select all and clear all but can't remember as I don't usually use them.}

        Close F4 screen.

        At first I waited a turn to see if change took effect. Now I go on with one city build order or unit movement and then go back to see if change held. If not, retry. Since I don't have the actions down to a formula, it usually takes several attempts until I get the trade ended.

        Hope this helps.


        • #19
          Planetfall, do you have a mac version?
          We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
          If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
          Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


          • #20
            Nope, W98, AMD cpu chip. Think it is a 400 but could be a 600 Mhz chip.


            • #21
              I asked because I dont recall seeing this:


              Select trades tab on folders image at about 2 oclock

              Click on X with blue background. It should change to a white box.
              and I thought you might have the mac version
              We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
              If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
              Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


              • #22

                To the right of Iroquis, are 2 tabs: treaties and trades.

                Click on the trades folder and you should see the blue check boxes just as on the shown treaties tab.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by planetfall

                  To the right of Iroquis, are 2 tabs: treaties and trades.

                  Click on the trades folder and you should see the blue check boxes just as on the shown treaties tab.
                  But those don't do anything, they just toggle the relationship lines for trade deals etc between the various civs. They have no impact on the actual deals themselves. The only one that actually does anything is that one at the bottom of that screen you mentioned previously. And for some reason it doesn't work on my system. I'd sure like to know why. There's already so few diplomatic options in the game, and I can't even use what there is, unless I accept the fact I might be stuck with a deal for the rest of the game.


                  • #24
                    Bummer, then there are 2 options:

                    1. don't make short trade deals before 1.18 comes out

                    2. start a short war and sue for peace soon afterwards.

                    Wish we had assurance that firaxis regularly trolled the forums for list of discovered bugs. This sounds like a real bug.

                    I still have not remembered to try and get the list of active trades. By the time I remember it is pass 20 turns and the AI's are mad at me because my score is increasing slightly more than theirs and they drop the trade like a hot potatoe.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by planetfall
                      Bummer, then there are 2 options:

                      1. don't make short trade deals before 1.18 comes out

                      2. start a short war and sue for peace soon afterwards.

                      Wish we had assurance that firaxis regularly trolled the forums for list of discovered bugs. This sounds like a real bug.

                      I still have not remembered to try and get the list of active trades. By the time I remember it is pass 20 turns and the AI's are mad at me because my score is increasing slightly more than theirs and they drop the trade like a hot potatoe.
                      Well that's one reason why it's not that big of a deal, the other civs usually drop the deal long before I even think about whether it's expired. This game I'm playing now was classic. I had an MPP and a trade embargo with Germans against the Japanese. Within a turn of war breaking out between me and Japan, Bismarck pulls the plug on everything! Talk about being a loyal ally!

