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  • Corruption

    Are there any patches out there which eliminate or significantly reduce corruption. I am a commercial civ, under Democracy, and I still have RAMPANT corruption in the further regions----cities generating 45 shields but using 1 !!!!!! It's terrible--is there any way to combat this?

  • #2
    There is no official patch which eliminates it completely. The patch 1.17 should reduce corruption, but it doesn´t help really much so far. Maybe some mod makers did something to reduce corruption more, I don´t know...


    • #3
      You can go into the editor, World Sizes area, and increase the number of optimal cities. You can add the Reduces Corruption flag to more buildings. You can even create new improvements, like the Forbidden Palace, by using the Civ3MultiTool.


      • #4
        Your options are few:
        1) Use the editor to add corruption reduction tags to more buildings.
        2) Use the editor to increase the number of ideal cities for each map size.
        3) Play the game with a small empire and forget about Domination or Conquest victory conditions.
        4) Hope Firaxis refocuses on the big picture (making a fun game) and tweaks something that the majority of fans believe needs some adjustment.


        • #5
          Doesn't increasing the number of 'optimal cities' in the world sizes tab also increase the number of cities required before the Fobidden Palace can be constructed?

          Moving this number too high on some map sizes could result in the FP not being built at all, or at a time when it is almost pointless, no?

          How about increasing the 'percentage of optimal cities' in the difficulty levels tab higher as well? Then the FP build time isn't increased so much, but corruption does not begin taking effect until more cities are established... just some random thoughts.
          sum dum guy

