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CIV3 -- my final thoughts...

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  • #16
    Since when did this turn into a role-playing forum? For people who don't post in this forum you sure have been posting a lot lately...posting a lot OFF TOPIC lately.
    MOHonor - PJP

    "Better ingredients make a better pizza" - Papa John


    • #17
      Hmmm...well, I'm guessing MOHonor's post was directed at me, so I will attempt to answer it.

      To my knowledge, this place has not turned into a role playing forum. Also, to my knowledge, the general way the game is played is that someone asks a question, and someone else answers it. That's usually the way in which dialogues on internet forums are conducted. Maybe not tho....maybe not....

      Anyway, since the question posed was (see the post six above my answer, by SpencerH)

      "If you were Sid Meier would you want your name on this version?"

      That was the question I answered.

      I am clearly not Sid, so I had to put myself in his shoes for a moment in order to answer the question as asked.

      Since Sid's name appears on the Civ3 box, and he's generally credited with designing the game, I'm not exactly sure how that is "off topic," what, with this being the Civ3 General section and all.

      Or perhaps you were referencing my "Civility" post...also fairly topical in its nature, since it was addressing the somewhat degenerative manner in which conversations have been carried out in this particular forum lately.

      At any rate....if you wish to continue the discussion of whether or not my posts are off topic (which would truly be an off topic subject for a Civ3 General forum), why don't we take that particular debate to e-mail?

      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


      • #18
        Re: CIV3 -- my final thoughts...

        Originally posted by bloodysmurf
        Well, I'm holding out hope that MOO3 will prove to be more satisfying TBS.

        Me too! I really hope Moo3 will have a lot of depth and a better gameplay. Civ3 really do get boring after the 1st half of the game. Still, I had fun for the first 2 games when I didn't know how weak the ai really is.


        • #19
          Since when did this turn into a role-playing forum?
          It didnt, I posed a question related to ideas that have been percolating around these forums for a while. Some players love the game. Others are clearly disappointed with the game itself (I suspect the more experienced players although there is no evidence for that yet) and the poor interaction between the publishers and we the consumers (the packaging fiasco and the lawsuits of the German fans). We have few options open to us to voice our displeasure. Since we live in free societys we can refuse to buy the game and hope that market forces will exert pressure. Unfortunately, we have already purchased the game "sight unseen," in part because of the name "Sid Meier" and our respect for his previous work. This forum, and others like it are another way to voice our displeasure, but they will only have an effect if they are taken seriously. Puerile ranting, while occasionally fun to observe, will detract from any positive effect our criticism has. Vel's recent threads and posts are therefore ON-TOPIC.

          My question was rather pointed and I hoped it would provoke some serious discussion of this problem that may be read by those in a position to do something about the situation. I doubt that Sid Meier habituates these forums but firaxis folk do. Maybe they will pass along the message. Sid Meier is not Derek Sheer (fascinating story BTW).

          Viva la Internet Revolution! Voice your opinion!
          We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
          If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
          Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.

