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I there another patch comming out or are we done now?

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  • I there another patch comming out or are we done now?

    Is there going to be another path forthcomming?

  • #2
    We have no garantee but I'm pretty sure we have another patch comin.

    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


    • #3
      Yes, there's still a few bugs left, and at least one new created by the last patch, so there's bound to be at least one more.


      • #4
        Mike Breitkreutz said in the 1.17f chat, that the "sink ship = crash game" bug will be fixed in the next release. Whether he meant a patch, or the MP release, I don't know, but there'll be come more for sure.


        • #5
          I'm pretty sure they are still working on patches.
          The fact that the editor included with the first release of 1.17f were a later version then supported, and the fact that they have said that a lot of things will be fixed, but didn't make to 1.17f, as the muti cheat and the sink last settler bug #2. I don't think that they will stopp the patching now. However you will have to wait for a while. 1.17f is still resent...
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Given the fact that the game is more completely well and truely broken now than upon release, yeah, there had better be a patch.

            Broken=little or no research required to win due to tech value depreciation/trading...Broken=AI tendency to switch to Communism and promptly starve itself due to the increased unhappiness penalty...


            • #7
              Let me give an example from my current game emp/10 civ/large map..playing as Japan.

              Started on land mass with Persia. Other eight civs on pangea together. Research to literacy and map making. Stop research. Build GL and GL, (one with leader from war with Persia)
              Find pangea and get 14 techs in one turn. Still no research.

              After education, still no research. Buy research one or two turns after the AI gets it for 10-15% of what my research cost would be. Invest the savings in infrastructure.

              Skip ahead and research just a bit to get the TOE, then sell new techs. Stop researching again. On and off wars with Persia to get leaders.

              Skip ahead. France is overruning pangea. Several civs dead and several on the ropes. Check out France. She is running Communism and while all my core cities are at 20+ pop she has only Paris (12) over six and most of her cities are, well little towns. So, even if she has 60+ cities she can never be a threat. Game is over.

              Now, here is the kicker. Why did France go Communist and ruin herself? I simply gave her 100 coin for MPP and declared war on Persia which had MPP with several civs on the pangea.

              You could play this 20 times and it would happen the same way, only in some cases another CIv might play the role of France. This is simply not working out, the trading system is awful.

