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Does the nuke explosion look like a nuke explosion?

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  • Does the nuke explosion look like a nuke explosion?

    What does the nuclear explosion animation look like? Mushroom cloud or just a normal explosion. By the way I know this isn't a visual game but I just wanted to know if the graphics are at least ok. The more I am reading about the AI in this game the more it is looking great. I like the diplomacy aspect of the game and the advancing tech. I just hope a tank will not be defeated by a knight.

  • #2
    NO. the nuclear explosion is as lame as the ICBM itself.

    Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


    • #3
      Tank defeated by a knight.. hm, could be (0,0000001%) but a tank defeated by a SPEARMAN, you'll see that...!!!
      I don't conquer -
      I obliterate


      • #4
        I never saw the nuclear explosion. But then, I never used nukes.
        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


        • #5
          unfortunately, tanks easily get killed by spearmen and knights, and even swordsmen sometimes.

          i have never seen the nuke explosion, but i heard that ICBMs are worthless anyway, they are really expensive and dont even destroy a city, or destroy units most of the time (i guess like all other bombard, nukes usually just DAMAGE units)
          The Civ3 world is one where stealth bombers are unable to sink galleons, Man-O-Wars are a powerful counter to battleships, and knights always come equipped with the AT-S2 Anti-Tank Sword.

          The Simwiz2 Combat Mod Version 2.0 is available for download! See the changes here. You can download it from the CivFanatics Thread or the Apolyton Thread.


          • #6
            Actually tank vs spearmen deaths must be pretty rare. I've never once seen one. In fact I rarely see even cavalry vs pikemen deaths.


            • #7
              However, the nuke explosion does actually look like a nuclear explosion, not just a typical explosion. Could have been bigger though (SMAC-style )
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • #8
                I hope this thread isn't going to be trashed by the Tank versus Spearmen debate.

                GET OVER IT!

                I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by simwiz2

                  i have never seen the nuke explosion, but i heard that ICBMs are worthless anyway, they are really expensive and dont even destroy a city, or destroy units most of the time (i guess like all other bombard, nukes usually just DAMAGE units)
                  There should be nukes that destroy cities and units. This could be a later unit. So we could have hydrogen ICBMs (what we have now) and thermonuclear ICBMs which would destroy the city, all units and make clean up harder. Nevertheless, the ICBM as is is still a powerful weapon, it's a key component of my genocide strategy:

                  nuke, raze, repeat


                  • #10
                    The Spearmen beat Tanks Combat system could be better, but it isnt as bad as some people make out. Civilisation isnt totally a war game so the logistics cant be perfect. The Graphics arent bad but i dont play for Graphics.
                    Up The Millers


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DrFell
                      Actually tank vs spearmen deaths must be pretty rare. I've never once seen one. In fact I rarely see even cavalry vs pikemen deaths.
                      Try emporor level and higher, you'll see that. But I dont mind, it comes with the level you know....

                      Oh and as for the topic, the nuke explodes like a nuke, big mushroom cloud. Not worth it. You'd rather not use a nuke, trust me. They dont always kill the units (WTF?!?!?), they pollute and they cost a lot. I hate nukes.

                      -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                      • #12
                        I usually play on deity, and I still stand by what I said. Also the cavalry normally retreat when they're badly damaged.


                        • #13
                          I'm not trying to troll here, but I think everyone knows what level you play on Dr. Fell, as you mention it in just about every post you make.


                          • #14
                            The mushroom cloud is there, but kinda small, to me. BTW, we've had a very good thread here recently, talking about nukes, named like Tactical nukes and ICBMS - it had great ideas about making the nuclear weapons stronger.

                            As for the Tank and Spearmen, it doesn't annoy me too much, for, while my Tanks lose to his Musketmen, sometimes my Spearmen hold off his Cavalry, too.
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

