Garrisons are most useful for their happiness bonus under Despotism and Monarchy. I prefer to mass my troops into attacking stacks. Say a player has a garrison of four units per city and has 20 cities. By cutting each garrison to two, a player gets two attacking stacks of 20 units each. 40 attacking units is often enough to take out an entire Medieval Age empire on a large map!
Ancient age:
1 warrior plus 1 spearman, maybe three of four units if an enemy has forces massed at the border.
Medieval age:
1 Pikeman, border cities get 2 Pikes, add one Knight or swordsmen during war time. Later Musketmen. If the enemy has roaming Calvary or Knights, much more defense is needed, maybe four units in border cities.
Industrial age:
No defense needed for most cities because of railroads. A rapid response force of four tanks or calvary can protect the entire empire. Drafting can make up the gap in the unusual event of huge enemy landing force. Border cities get 1 Infantry or 1 Rifleman + 1 other unit. More than this is usually fluff. It is very hard to take out Infantry without tanks. Mass reinforcements can be sent in if an enemy gets close enough to attack a city. All the rest of the units go on the offense to destroy the enemies ability to make more units.
Modern age:
Same as Industrial age except use Mech Infantry for garrison and Modern Armor for rapid response
Ancient age:
1 warrior plus 1 spearman, maybe three of four units if an enemy has forces massed at the border.
Medieval age:
1 Pikeman, border cities get 2 Pikes, add one Knight or swordsmen during war time. Later Musketmen. If the enemy has roaming Calvary or Knights, much more defense is needed, maybe four units in border cities.
Industrial age:
No defense needed for most cities because of railroads. A rapid response force of four tanks or calvary can protect the entire empire. Drafting can make up the gap in the unusual event of huge enemy landing force. Border cities get 1 Infantry or 1 Rifleman + 1 other unit. More than this is usually fluff. It is very hard to take out Infantry without tanks. Mass reinforcements can be sent in if an enemy gets close enough to attack a city. All the rest of the units go on the offense to destroy the enemies ability to make more units.
Modern age:
Same as Industrial age except use Mech Infantry for garrison and Modern Armor for rapid response