Something that I think would add an interesting deminisions to Civ III (or IV) would the ability to rent out your troops as mercenary's.
This could be part of the bargining table. You agree to rent out xx number of yy [hoplites, cavalry, frigates, tanks] for 20 turns in exchange for $$ amount of dough [or the whole thing in reverse, you rent another civs troops]. They take control of your units (or vice versa) for that period of time. At the end, renew the agreement or not. This can be done either cash-and-carry (meaning the purchasing civ has to ship them wherever, or teleport to the purchasing civs capital).
This could be part of the bargining table. You agree to rent out xx number of yy [hoplites, cavalry, frigates, tanks] for 20 turns in exchange for $$ amount of dough [or the whole thing in reverse, you rent another civs troops]. They take control of your units (or vice versa) for that period of time. At the end, renew the agreement or not. This can be done either cash-and-carry (meaning the purchasing civ has to ship them wherever, or teleport to the purchasing civs capital).