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More tradable goods

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  • More tradable goods

    And I don't just mean the surplus food as has been mentioned in other threads. I mean that in an XP or in a super patch civ3 should have more tradable goods like:

    tabaco (although using this to make people happy could put down your pop. growth)
    Coffee beans
    jewls sorted in type: diamonds, rubies, opal, topaz etc

    Hey, even marijuana! Or cocain, and trading this could get you in trouble with other civs. They could even pose economic sanctions on you through the UN! No, wait.. I'm thinking of another game... namely SMAC!

    Anyway, could the editor create new resources to trade, even strategic resources like nikel or sand for making silicon chips? SAND? wait, I'll get back to you on this...

  • #2
    You can add resources to the game. There already many mod on this site thay add more resources to the game. Some add copper and other things like this to the game. So it can be done by the user if you wish, although I dont know how you would do it. You would have to ask someone in the creation forum, and I am sure they could help you if you wanted to add resources to the game yourself.
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