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The Civ that would not Die. A Bug report in 2 paragraphs.

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  • The Civ that would not Die. A Bug report in 2 paragraphs.

    After a quick search (bug post) did not see this.

    I am playing a huge map with 16 civs and neighbor Persia declares war with me in early B.C. I get the whole contenient to go to bat for me, and between them and myself, he is wiped out before the A.D. change.

    It is now around 1600 A.D., and Persia still shows up on the foreign advisor screen! not only that, but Russia is still at war with them, and just asked me to sign a mil. agreement with her to fight the evil persia! There is no Perisa to fight!

  • #2
    That is known, and sadly is not a bug. They intentially put that in there, gets annoying doesn't it. Yeah i wiped out two civs early on, one was basically gone from play cuz i elimenated him late BC the other remerged below me and caused some trouble for a considerable chunk of the game, envitable causing me to lose as i was to far behind the other nations to catch up. Very annoying in my eyes
    Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

    "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


    • #3
      So your saying the dead civ rose from the ashes?

      There is no more room for anyone to pop up. The russians killed persia off, taking the capitol and all.... This stinks, I can't see a reason for keeping them around.


      • #4
        This has always been a feature in Civilization. If an empire is destroyed very early in the game, it will resurface somewhere else on the map. At some point in time, I'm not sure when, this will no longer happen. And it will only happen once to each civ. The second time it's destroyed, it's gone forever.


        • #5
          What are you talking about Willem. I don't remeber that ever occuring unless you checked the box in customize rules that said "don't restart civilizations", or somethinglike that , in Civ2. The only game i can remeber this being in is Civ3 and its totally annoying, espiceally if your strategy is military
          Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

          "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


          • #6
            Sadly, it seems to have happened to me twice in my current game with the same nation. I, as the Romans, hacked for centuries to destroy the Russians, only to have them reappear on a small island the next turn. Upon loading my caravels and destroying them again, they re-emerged on their original continent in a small square near the north pole. I'm attempting to battle through the French to get to them again, and hopefully they'll simply die this time. THey refuse to see my envoy and only my 4 luxuries are preventing war-weariness from destroying my Republic.

            SMAC had a sort of "Do or Die" option, didn't it? You could select the option to not restart defeated civs, regardless of how early it was, I believe.
            Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mars
              What are you talking about Willem. I don't remeber that ever occuring unless you checked the box in customize rules that said "don't restart civilizations", or somethinglike that , in Civ2. The only game i can remeber this being in is Civ3 and its totally annoying, espiceally if your strategy is military
              It was also in Civ 1 and in SMAC. It's always been a part of the game.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mars
                What are you talking about Willem. I don't remeber that ever occuring unless you checked the box in customize rules that said "don't restart civilizations", or somethinglike that , in Civ2. The only game i can remeber this being in is Civ3 and its totally annoying, espiceally if your strategy is military
                Willem is right. It was definitely in civ 2. If you checked "don't restart civilizations", then it would turn this off. It was always on by default. Have a look again if you're still uncertain.

                I'm not entirely sure of the reason why it's there, but the only thing I can think of is to force you to conquer the "whole world" (since they repop in a far corner) instead of just your local surroundings (if you're lucky you could get them all on the same continent and wipe everyone out really early without even exploring 50% of the map - so this prevents that. Or it's supposed to, I think...)
                Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
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                Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                • #9
                  No its not part of the game, its an option in the game. The standard game in SMAC and civ2 were where the civ wouldn't restart. Now they not only made it standard for them to restart but won't let you stop them from restarting other than by conquering them at least twice.
                  Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

                  "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


                  • #10
                    No, if I remember right, the standard game in SMAC and civ2 had this option turned on, though you could disable it. It would be nice to have the same option in civ3...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ixnay37
                      No, if I remember right, the standard game in SMAC and civ2 had this option turned on, though you could disable it. It would be nice to have the same option in civ3...
                      Yes, you do remember right, the default was on. Personally I like that feature. I don't really care for games where it ends up being only 2 or 3 civs. That would happen much more often if this wasn't in place.


                      • #12
                        wait. Yall (I am from the south) are missing my point. Persia has not popped back up (I do remember that from civ2), they do not exist. There is no persia on the map. Anywhere. They do not have a city. Yet they still exist in the floating head sense, and Russia is still at war with them. And they have been off the map for more than 1000 years.

                        Like in real life, if France all of the sudden requested England come help fight the Romans. They dont exist as-is anymore. The land is now split by other nations, and while there might be some kook claiming to be a decendant of Ceaser himself, and ruler of what was Rome, would anyone listen? heck no....anyway, I am now rambling, so time to stop typing.


                        • #13
                          You may want to check the Oceans for a galley or something. The comp likes to set up little government in exiles on boats that can last forever. That galley likely has a settler on it. The comp stays in the game if it has one city or even one settler roaming about.
                          Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


                          • #14
                            I remember an apolyton tournament game where the Americans never founded a city and never seemed to exist at all, yet I could still talk to them for the entire game...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by N. Machiavelli
                              You may want to check the Oceans for a galley or something. The comp likes to set up little government in exiles on boats that can last forever. That galley likely has a settler on it. The comp stays in the game if it has one city or even one settler roaming about.
                              Yep, exactly. Often times, to avoid this very thing, I'll save the game before the final city is destroyed, and edit the settler so that it can no longer found cities. This prevents the civ. from staying around after they are dead...

                              Of course, after the civ. is destoryed, I will re-edit...
                              Do the Job

                              Remember the World Trade Center

