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Pollution warnings should be like size limit warnings

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  • Pollution warnings should be like size limit warnings

    One of the additions I liked in Civ 3 was the fact that when a city couldn't grow even though you had the technology to allow it (eg. Aquaduct, Hospital) you were prompted as to whether you wished to change it's current production, queue it or zoom to the city.

    I would like to see something similar to this for pollution, ie:

    Sire, the city of Onion is creating pollution what should we do?
    Zoom to city
    Build Recycling centre/Mass Transit/Solar plant
    Queue Recycling centre/Mass Transit/Solar plant
    Reallocate city workers to reduce production
    I'll deal with it later

    Anyone else agree or am I just rambling?
    IOU One sig file

  • #2
    Re: Pollution warnings should be like size limit warnings

    Originally posted by LTD
    One of the additions I liked in Civ 3 was the fact that when a city couldn't grow even though you had the technology to allow it (eg. Aquaduct, Hospital) you were prompted as to whether you wished to change it's current production, queue it or zoom to the city.

    I would like to see something similar to this for pollution, ie:

    Sire, the city of Onion is creating pollution what should we do?
    Zoom to city
    Build Recycling centre/Mass Transit/Solar plant
    Queue Recycling centre/Mass Transit/Solar plant
    Reallocate city workers to reduce production
    I'll deal with it later

    Anyone else agree or am I just rambling?

    Advisor: Can we bild aqaduct sire?
    Player: no

    Advisor: Can we bild aqaduct sire?
    Player: I sad no

    Advisor: Can we bild aqaduct sire?
    Player: stop bothering me

    Advisor: Can we bild aqaduct sire?
    Player: Arghhhhhhh!

    OK, OK, I have no problem with this option if it is OPTIONAL.


    • #3
      You can see how much pollution is being created as you visit your cities. Also, unless there is nuclear warfare, I have not seen that much affect caused by pollution in the first place (i.e., at least it's gradual).

      Since pollution's changing of tiles is not an all-of-a-sudden event, when you develop mass transit and recycling, you can survey your cities and take care of those that are polluting higher than [put your own limit here]. If you haven't taken over most of the world, it may not matter in the least anyway, since AI cities seem to have horrendous amounts of pollution in the late game, regardless.

      I suppose my bottom line is: it is good to inspect all of your cities every several turns, especially your large/high production ones.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jaybe
        I suppose my bottom line is: it is good to inspect all of your cities every several turns, especially your large/high production ones.
        This is NOT Civ2.

        Pollution DOES NOT depent from NUMBER OF SHILEDS.

        Only form pop above 12 and production buildings (factory-2, power pland-2, airport-1, etc...)


        • #5
          I would hate this feature if it were implemented. As player1 said, the Domestic Nag is bad enough.
          If this was put in as an option, well, good luck to you

          Also like player1 said, pollution is not related in any way to shield output. So a size 15 city with every worker on a mined hill with iron and railroads will have exactly the same pollution as another size 15 city with everyone on pure grasslands with no shields (assuming the 2 cities have the same buildins).
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

