Thanks fellas that clears things up quite a bit... I was under the assumption that "tax" is gotten by the amount of gold you got from your cities and from that gold it can be devided up.
When I set it to 50% I was trying to achive a MAX total of 50% for both Sci and Lux rates for despotism to slow the high tech rate that patch has pushed on us. I was trying to achieve a Sci of 30% and a Lux of 0% with the other20% going into my bank as gold to bring my back into the postive cash flow...
When I set it to 50% I was trying to achive a MAX total of 50% for both Sci and Lux rates for despotism to slow the high tech rate that patch has pushed on us. I was trying to achieve a Sci of 30% and a Lux of 0% with the other20% going into my bank as gold to bring my back into the postive cash flow...