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Looking for clarification on culture influence...

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  • Looking for clarification on culture influence...

    Hi there,

    I know that the likelihood of a city "flipping" is influenced by the number of squares in its city radius that are within another civ's cultural boundaries, but could someone clarify the following for me?

    [1] Is the influence of the "attacking" culture reflective of the culture value of just the neighboring cities, or that of the entire civ? If its a mix of both, does anyone know the relative influence of the two?

    [2] Similarly, how much of a factor is my OVERALL culture relative to the culture of the threatened city?

    [3] Does having culture build-up from another civ in your city (i.e. a conquered city) predispose your city to flipping to just that civ, or to ANY civ? Say, for example, I conquer a culturally rich Babylonian city and am now worried about an encroaching Greek culture border...


  • #2
    It remains a big MYSTERY. And a big CROCK, both in playability and historical accuracy.

    What do I do? If a city flips I go to AutoSave and either change the number of Happy citizens, or just evacuate the garrison and raze it if it still flips. The AI always cheats, and flipping is nonsense anywhere, so I have no problem with this.


    • #3
      This Thread reveals the various factors that go towards calculating the likely-hood of a city flipping or not.

      Also, as of the latest patch 1.17f, with enough units you can prevent a city from flipping completely.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        has anyone figured out how many units yet?

