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How win tech race in 1.17?

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  • #16
    Huh, but hydro must be by water, so not every city on continent.

    "blow up" -- deselect in editor, French have had nuclear power plants for decades without a blowup.

    You're right hoover comes earlier. Before I learned, since they were on the build menu, I started with coal, and then cleaned up hydro and then expanded power with nuclear. I thought the power was additive. Wish I could just take coal power off the build menu option. I'd rather wait in most cases than deal with the pollution.

    Have some good games this weekend.



    • #17

      The Hoover Dam Great Wonder gives you a hydro plant in every continental city, river or no (I'm 99% sure of this).

      I don't edit the game. I may later, once they're done patching it, but for now at least, I play it with default settings. Besides, in this case, it makes sense that such a great production booster (nuclear plant) has a potential downside (meltdown), whether or not France has ever had one.

      I never build coal plants. Not worth it. If all goes well, I will have Hoover built pretty soon after the rest of my cities have built their factories. Even without the nasty pollution, they would be obselete (by the hydro plants) too quick to be worth building.

      Have a good weekend too

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

