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Firaxis, shouldn't coastal squares give 2 food, and with harbor 3?

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  • Firaxis, shouldn't coastal squares give 2 food, and with harbor 3?

    Um, correct me if you think i'm wrong, but wouldn't coastal squares be better giving a food of 2 instead of 1.

    Therefore when a harbor is built, this would increase to 3?

    It seems at the moment that coastal cities really suffer when compared to inland cities!?

    I'm sure in Civ2 coastal cities were really useful...??

    It would also help with the construction of navy and might make them a more viable option for both human and AI?!
    Last edited by =DrJambo=; February 27, 2002, 18:13.

  • #2
    I disagree. First of all if the tile has a fish then you're getting that anyway, which is better because otherwise, what are your people eating? Also giving every coastal city what is effectively a grassland with wheat is a little unbalancing.

    What I wish they would do is allow us to transfer food between our cities. This was an excellent feature in civ2 and why they took it out of civ3 is beyond me. I can't count how many times I've seen an excellent city site with high production potential but knew building a city there was ridiculous because I would never be able to get enough surplus food to mine the surrounding areas.

    Just something else to chalk up to poor design and rushed production -sigh-


    • #3
      yup, good points there, bringing back the food trade would be certainly be a welcome addition


      • #4
        I don't think that is necessary

        but what could be in order is a higher distribution of sea resources. They don't seem to occur as often as they did in civ2. Yet land resources are everywhere.

        so more fishy resources would be nice.


        • #5
          Coastal Cities aren't as productive as they could be. The sea provides minerals and fish oil and maybe other fish parts can be used as a ressource. I don't see a food problem, though. Without a harbor there should be no food at all from the sea.


          • #6
            Most fishing villages don't have "harbors" they have docks which are not the same thing. Enough fish to feed the local populace (up to city size maybe) could easily be gotten from trolling the coast with small boats. The Harbor would increase trade, and maybe production; food perhaps by allowing larger fishing trawlers to dock, but food/shields/trade I think would best be 2/1/1 for start up coastal squares.
            The other guys are always barbarians

