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The Apolyton Standard

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Sir Ralph

    Yin would be a good choice, alas, he doesn't possess the game (anymore/yet).

    Rothy, your idea is really good. The features could be chosen by a couple of polls (maybe the admins spend us a forum?! ), and finetuned by some of the experienced modders, elected by a poll too. My vote would be Willem, his ideas are excellent.
    Why thank you very much! I'm not sure whether I'm up to the task of finding a compromise to all the ideas floating around the forum though. Although there are a lot of good ones, there are also a lot of ideas that are simply nonsensical, or not possible with the current game mechanics. It would take a huge amount of time sifting through everything to come up with a consensus.

    I think the best approach really is what Firaxis is doing now, asking for mod submissions so that a number of people can try them out and provide feedback. Maybe there should be some sort of final committee, like 3 different people playtesting submissions, and they would decide which features they like and then add them to an "official" mod.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ACooper
      Willem and/or Korn are very good choices. May I also suggest Gramphos? He seems to have excellent knowledge of the editor.
      Oh you guys are being so kind. I...I...think I'm... going to cry. _sniff_


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rhuarc
        Does anyone think that MarkG would post up a new forum so we can keep all the threads about this in one place?
        Hard to say... usually, he doesn't like adding new forums.
        I would recommend "somebody" put together a very complete proposal with supporting reasons... and then contact MarkG.

        Just posting a thread in the Apolyton Community forum about it isn't the best or most effective way. It's best to deal with him directly by PM or Email... and supply him with the logic and valid reasons for doing so. One person should be elected the point person, so as not to overwhelm MarkG. His time is limited...

        Again... good luck. It might actually be easier to get a forum then it is to get people to agree on the standards
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #19
          Rather than a "standard" of some sort I think you should just try to drum up support for a particular mod... not one generated via the polls (I shudder at the idea), but instead a good mod made/maintained by an idividual or small, tight, group. The mod maker(s) could solicit ideas from others, and take part in public discussion about the mod, but wouldn't be bound by a public vote. A good mod should gain a following.... not everyone who buys the game, and not everyone at Apolyton, I'm sure, but how many do you need? I imagine that if a mod generated enough discussion it could also count on some support from the moderators here. A forum, or mention in the news, whatever....

          A vote might be a good way to pick someone to be in charge of the mod - esp. someone who isn't currently planning to make one. Think of it, I suppose, as a petittion encouraging someone to both make a mod and, at the beginning, at least, try to incorporate a number of "popular" changes.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bill9999
            I like the idea. It would be terribly difficult to pull off though, as there are many different opinions what would be the best numbers to use.

            I would start it all off by adopting the 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 hit point scale

            (instead of 2 - 3 - 4 - 5)
            Hit points are a good example of the difficulty to set a new standard. Vel's no-name mod uses a 3/4/5/7 scale, korn's blitz mod a 4/6/9/12 scale. I suggested to korn that he change his scale to 3/5/7/9 because, IMO, animated battles (esp. between armies) take forever in the modern age. OTOH, maybe I'm the only one who feels that this is a problem. Then, maybe some people wouldn't change the hitpoint scale at all because of the minor graphical glitches introduced by higher numbers of hitpoints.

            At the moment, I'm hoping that Firaxis continues to include fan suggestions in the basic game. They did so with v.1.16f and v1.17f:
            • Police stations reduce corruption (v1.16f);
            • Tweaked stats for privateers and submarines (v1.16f);
            • Forbidden Palace with lower shield costs (v1.17f);
            • Ability to upgrade to civ-specific units (e.g. pikeman to musketeer) (v1.17f);
            • Blitz ability conferred to armies (v1.17f).
            The feature I'd like to see the most in future versions of Civ3 is a Military Academy that doesn't require a victorios army so that every player could build armies by researching Military Tradition.
            Last edited by lockstep; February 27, 2002, 15:20.
            "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


            • #21
              I think the way should be by polls "top to bottom". First, we have to solve general questions like:

              - Should the Apolyton-Mod change the corruption model? If yes, how much, and what is reasonable?
              - Should new units been added?
              - Should the unit balance and/or the upgrade tree been changed (e.g. Cav->Tanks)?
              - Should government types been added?
              - Should the tech tree been changed?
              and so on.

              Then, the polls should be more precise:
              - How to fight corruption?
              - What units/gov'ts to be added?
              - What changing in the tech tree?

              If this is done, I would think the modders should discuss what and how to do, put together a bunch of features (without any modding yet), or even a few alternative models, and let the community discuss it. The discussion should be limited in time. At the end there should be one or a couple of polls.

              Next should be an Alpha version. It should by tradition be called 1.07f , and been playtested by the community. The complaints should be used to form the Beta version, 1.16f. May be next will be the Beta2, 1.17f... and after a while we will have the One and Only Recommended Apolyton Mod (OORAM) version 1.99f. Kidding of course.

              The keeper team of the standard should make an official bug list, release fixes and check the OORAM after every patch by Firaxis. And hopefully there will be Apolyton tournaments, using this common mod.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tarquelne
                Rather than a "standard" of some sort I think you should just try to drum up support for a particular mod... not one generated via the polls (I shudder at the idea), but instead a good mod made/maintained by an idividual or small, tight, group.
                I have been participating in the discussions of korn's blitz mod (currently at v1.06 beta7.2, available in the 'files' forum). IMO, korn's work is outstanding and I recommend everyone to give it a try.
                "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                  I think the way should be by polls "top to bottom". First, we have to solve general questions like:

                  - Should the Apolyton-Mod change the corruption model? If yes, how much, and what is reasonable?
                  - Should new units been added?
                  - Should the unit balance and/or the upgrade tree been changed (e.g. Cav->Tanks)?
                  - Should government types been added?
                  - Should the tech tree been changed?
                  and so on.

                  Then, the polls should be more precise:
                  - How to fight corruption?
                  - What units/gov'ts to be added?
                  - What changing in the tech tree?
                  IMO, at the beginning we need to indentify features of the basic game that are particularly unbalanced, annoying or lacking choice. This way, the corruption model will be discussed, but we won't forget about 'little' things like unproductive specialists or jungles that doom any civ that starts nearby.
                  "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                  • #24
                    Yes, that was what I meant.

                    1st - discuss what to do.
                    2nd - discuss how to do it.
                    3rd - do it.
                    4th - check it, if necessary, return to 3.
                    5th - play it.


                    • #25
                      All very good ideas. Despite views to the contrary, I think a poll is a good place to start. Let's keep it simple: four or five good issues each with four or five alternative suggestions for improvement. This would give us and Firaxis a clear summary of the key issues and the desired direction for change. While this information can be gathered by reading through all the postings, it helps when it's in one place with an indication of the number of respondents and the percentage of votes in favor of each proposed solution. Whether this results in an "Apolyton" standard that is different from the current default rules, or a revision of the default rules by Firaxis itself, the end result would be better than the status quo.

                      My pet peeve: corruption. The current model is a gross exaggeration of the reality existing under any form of functioning government (except, perhaps, on the eve of revolution or of the dissolution of an empire).


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                        Yes, that was what I meant.

                        1st - discuss what to do.
                        2nd - discuss how to do it.
                        3rd - do it.
                        4th - check it, if necessary, return to 3.
                        5th - play it.
                        And by the time you've finished all the discussion, the XP will be released, the default rules will have changed, and you can start all over again from the beginning. I'd say just skipping to step 3 would be the most valuable approach.


                        • #27
                          Good point, Willem. There are already existing mods slumbering at various hard disks. We just need to poll which one to take... C'mon, give us Willems Mega Cheat to discuss!


                          • #28
                            How about adopting one of the current mods ( I had in mind either the BALANCER, or the LWC mod) and asking the creator if we could use it and then adapt it as we saw fit. I know that both of those mods have had a lot of owrk go into them, and I feel are close to what we want, but they don't have a lot of support behind them to become the standard.
                            DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda
                            EAGLES MAY SOAR, BUT... WEASLES DON'T GET SUCKED INTO JET ENGINES - Unknown


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                              Good point, Willem. There are already existing mods slumbering at various hard disks. We just need to poll which one to take... C'mon, give us Willems Mega Cheat to discuss!
                              Well it's going to be called the Builders Dream mod actually. And it's going to be awhile yet, I'm still in the process of redoing it after they changed the gov specific buildings on me. And there's going to be a lot of entries I'll have to add in the Civilopedia.


                              • #30
                                Pleased the response to this.

                                As somebody suggested it may be an idea taking and modifying an existing mod such as the balancing mod, but there are a heck of a lot of changes there. I think as well just balancing things tho, an effort ought to made to make things a tad less tedious (pollution!!) as this seems to be most people's gripe with Civ III.

                                So perhaps we should put a proposal to MarkG then??
                                Up The Millers

