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Do you find armies to be useless?

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  • Do you find armies to be useless?

    I think armies are useless. I only use the first leader to build an army to get my first victory with it so that I can build the heroic epic. That's it. I never make armies cuz they suck at attacking and defending. I'd ratter have 4 seperate tanks than 4 in one armie. And I'm sure that 4 seperate tanks can easily kill an army of 4 tanks. So what do y'all think?

    Just fun to have but not to use
    critical for me to win!!

    The poll is expired.

    -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

  • #2
    I find them very usefull..

    On attack... An army of 4 modern tanks is great for taking out the best defending unit in a city. Granted, bombardment can have a similar effect by knocking the unit down a notch and make it easier to kill... but sometimes I'm running fast in enemy territory, with no possible support of artiliary, air, or ships.

    In the later part of the game, I find myself with tons of modern tanks... and I just blitz my way across the country side.

    On defense... they are very usefull for establishing a landing on an enemy land mass when they have a complete rail network in place. I just drop an army of 4 mech inf on a mountain with the rest of the invading force... 1000 tanks and bombers later, there is usually more than enough of an attack force left to do the job.

    Yeah... they could be stronger, and I think they are poorly designed... but knowing the limitations just made me come up with effective ways to use them. After you have built all the good wonders, you might as well use them for something
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      I always use my first leader for an army of either knights or swordsmen, depending on the age. Then I go on to win that war . I then build armies of infantry using the military academy to protect my border cities, or act as mobile bases for artillery and offensive units. The AI will almost never attack them unless they are badly damaged. They are not essential for me to win, but they make my military situation a lot more stabile, on attack and on defense. I will usually build an army of tanks if I am invading before I have access to modern armor, and my opponent has mech. infantry. I use it to take out the first, strong defender in a city, which often is backed up by obsolete units that are easy pickings for the rest of my tanks.
      I like CIV 3's corruption, combat system, cultural assimilation and AI.


      • #4
        What I hate is this. Modern Armor by it self can attack twice atleast but if you put it in an army it can only attack once!! That's why I find them useless, it limits the damage it could really do! If you have 4 Modern Armor in an army that means that you attack once instead of 8 times!! That's a BIG difference.

        -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


        • #5
          I may have been hallucinating, but I thought the 1.17 patch gave armies composed entirely of units with blitz ability the ability to attack twice. Still not as good as 8 times, but, you will almost definately not lose a unit when attacking with the army. I would be very scared of an army of modern armor, even if I knew it could only attack once or twice.
          I like CIV 3's corruption, combat system, cultural assimilation and AI.


          • #6
            I find them useful, especially in defense. One reason has already been mentioned by Ming (invasion of a continent), plus, I use armies as artillery defenders and as mobile "hospitals" for my wounded attackers.

            For attack they are not as useful, because they can attack only once. I use one or at most two as "nutcrackers", but in general I like to attack with single units, so I can manage when to attack with a regular, veteran or elite unit, to get leaders.

            I don't use more than one leader for armies though. I build the others in the Military academy.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spectator
              What I hate is this. Modern Armor by it self can attack twice atleast but if you put it in an army it can only attack once!! That's why I find them useless, it limits the damage it could really do! If you have 4 Modern Armor in an army that means that you attack once instead of 8 times!! That's a BIG difference.
              But individually, a modern tank unit will usually lose to a well fortified mech inf in a city... You might lose 2, 3, 4, or even more tanks trying to take it out. An army will usually do the trick, and allow the rest of your modern tanks to mop up.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #8
                The basic Army is useful but not critical. In a mobile attack it's always nice to have ONE unit that's practically invulnerable. No amount of bombardment is going to make a 15-HP unit combat-ineffective, and with the new retreat rules it's useful to have one first-wave attacker that you know you won't lose. Especially in the middle Industrial Age, when you might be throwing Cavalry (6 attack) against Infantry (10 defense plus city bonus).

                To make it more useful, go into the editor. Give it "Blitz" (regardless of what units are in it), have it give a Zone of Control, and maybe Radar or something. Suddenly it becomes useful again.

                The other limiting factor is rarity. Since you need an Army to get the Military Academy, you might never see an AI Army. Since they can't upgrade, early-game Armies tend to get wiped out. Personally, I use my first Leader for the Forbidden Palace, the second for an Army, and the third on up for all those Middle Ages wonders (I play the Chinese, who are Militaristic), but the AI doesn't think this way. I've seen the AI make an Army of Warriors.

                So, in my game I made it so that Armies can Unload (to upgrade) and removed the "victorious" requirement from the Academy. Try a few of these changes and you'll start using them more, and more importantly the computer will start using them against you.


                • #9
                  I find them useful, for the same reasons posted by Ming. You just have to develop new strategies to use them, and seize the opportunity... Sometimes, an army may change the fate of a war...
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                  • #10
                    I find the armies useless.

                    It's not that they don't have a good effect on battlefield, but I just find them out of place and counter-immersive.
                    I just don't see WHY the designers put these strange things in the game, and ate up a third of the small wonders to improve them.
                    Well, they're too artificial and coming out of the blue.
                    Science without conscience is the doom of the soul.


                    • #11
                      well considering I never made one, I had to vote useless.


                      • #12
                        i Make extensive use of Armies in my game, in my current I have the maximum i can build atm (12). It's the Insurance.... I've only ever had one defensive Army defeated before, but it was en route shall we say, had it been fortified in a city it would never have lost.

                        I found a VERY good Use in my current game. Im in a war with the massively powerful Japanese in my current game, I got Tanks before them.. and needed to milk this for all it's worth as they were by far the better power. So I sent SEVEN stacked Armies each of 4 tanks towards the Jap Capital, after burning down a couple of thier vital cities on the way, I am now going to do Stiel's Capital Isolation... I dont care how many bloody cavalry they have, there is absolutly no chance they will be able to take out a STACK of SEVEN Armies... After destroying thier roads I will encamp outside thier capital (until Modern Armor approaches) and never let them get thier road system back up.

                        Had i just sent 28 Tanks to do this, Sure, it might have also been successful (and i could have pillaged quicker) but I could lose many units, until i was eventually picked off and my force decimated.
                        Up The Millers


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dissident
                          well considering I never made one, I had to vote useless.
                          There is a grave flaw in your logic here, but I will let you figure out what it is.
                          I like CIV 3's corruption, combat system, cultural assimilation and AI.


                          • #14
                            how so?

                            you don't know how I'm saying it.

                            Because I never found a need for armies, I never built them. So therefore they must be useless


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dissident
                              how so?

                              you don't know how I'm saying it.

                              Because I never found a need for armies, I never built them. So therefore they must be useless
                              Now, if you changed your statement to "Because I never need armies, they are useless to me" it would be logical. I still wouldn't agree with you though.
                              I like CIV 3's corruption, combat system, cultural assimilation and AI.

