You'd still have tactical nukes for immediate surprise attacks 
Also, I think we'd have some notice if Russia did launch ICBMs at us IRL. Probally not more than a hour though, I really dont know what the flight time of a missile is
Id guess anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.....
Perhaps though the popup shouldn't even say which city the ICBM is going towards (heck we dont even always target at a city now.....they can target any square I think.....) Maybe the popup should just flash a cross hair on the map where the ICBM currently is. (just make it 1/2 way between its launch point and destination point, and up to the player to try to guess where its going) Just imagine a flashing + sign on the mini-map until you close the popup saying a nuke was launched, that says where the ICBM is now and not where its actually going. That would lead to interesting situations where you don't even know if its actually heading for you or not
The germans could of been going to nuke the french, but you'd have no way to know where that active ICBM is going to come down :P

Also, I think we'd have some notice if Russia did launch ICBMs at us IRL. Probally not more than a hour though, I really dont know what the flight time of a missile is

Perhaps though the popup shouldn't even say which city the ICBM is going towards (heck we dont even always target at a city now.....they can target any square I think.....) Maybe the popup should just flash a cross hair on the map where the ICBM currently is. (just make it 1/2 way between its launch point and destination point, and up to the player to try to guess where its going) Just imagine a flashing + sign on the mini-map until you close the popup saying a nuke was launched, that says where the ICBM is now and not where its actually going. That would lead to interesting situations where you don't even know if its actually heading for you or not
