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Should airpower be able to sink ships? Who cares, with the editor they can

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  • Should airpower be able to sink ships? Who cares, with the editor they can

    try out the out the sink ships mod and see what you think

  • #2
    Your heart's in the right place, Korn, and I think this might work as a temporary solution for people who are really concerned about this.

    However...if you install the mod and actually plan on using these "disposable" aircraft I have to ask: why not just build a cruise missle?

    Many of the people upset over the airplane/ship dilemma seem focused on realism. Not sure how many are going to go for an airplane that is destroyed in attacking (might make sense if you're playing Japan, though, what with the Kamikazes and all). Many, I think, will opt simply to build cruise missles.

    Thanks for giving another option, though. Mod-makers like you pick up Firaxis' slack
    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
    -- C.S. Lewis


    • #3
      However...if you install the mod and actually plan on using these "disposable" aircraft I have to ask: why not just build a cruise missle?
      1) you cannot load cruise missiles on any ships in civ3, the torpedo bomber can load into carriers

      2) cruise missiles cannot rebase, they have a movement of 1, and a range of 2, torpedo bombers can rebase to any where in the world, and they have a range of 6

      3) They cost 60, a torpedo bomber costs 40

      4) most importantly the torpedo bomber replaces the cruise missile so you can't build cruise missiles anyways

      this small mod is an attempt to placate all of the people who are completely frustrated by airpower not being able to sink ship, and to provide backup to my arguments that there is other, better ways of balancing airpower

      it took me about 5 minutes to make so it's not a big deal at all


      • #4
        I'm a Kamikaze, he's a Kamikaze, wouldn't you like to be a Kamikaze too... Be a Pepper, drink Dr.Pepper...

        With the right tune it could catch on.

        I appreciate the effort korn. However, like a somewhat famous soda, it fails to satisfy.

        Last edited by notyoueither; February 24, 2002, 05:56.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Terser
          Your heart's in the right place, Korn, and I think this might work as a temporary solution for people who are really concerned about this.

          However...if you install the mod and actually plan on using these "disposable" aircraft I have to ask: why not just build a cruise missle?

          Many of the people upset over the airplane/ship dilemma seem focused on realism. Not sure how many are going to go for an airplane that is destroyed in attacking (might make sense if you're playing Japan, though, what with the Kamikazes and all). Many, I think, will opt simply to build cruise missles.

          Thanks for giving another option, though. Mod-makers like you pick up Firaxis' slack
          I kind of like the sound of a Kamakazi UU. It might be interesting. It could be a cheap pre modern era version of a Cruise Missile. I'll have to keep that in mind.


          • #6
            Originally posted by korn469

            1) you cannot load cruise missiles on any ships in civ3, the torpedo bomber can load into carriers
            Somebody's figured out how to get a Cruise Missile on a ship. Look for a couple of threads, one's called "Loadable Missiles", or something like that. The other's called "Cruise Missile Tweaks".


            • #7
              BTW. Ships are weak?

              What are they supposed to do? Blow away Phalanxes on mountaintops?

              Ships contol the seas. The sea is the key to many victories and many defeats.

              Care to not build any ships at all? Then exactly what are you going to do while your oppos BBs are obiliterating every terrain improvement you have built within 2 squares of the sea and burning your coastal cities down to 1 pop? Weak? Hardly.

              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #8
                Somebody's figured out how to get a Cruise Missile on a ship. Look for a couple of threads, one's called "Loadable Missiles", or something like that. The other's called "Cruise Missile Tweaks".

                actually i figured out how to load cruise missiles into Aegis Cruisers and Nuclear submarines, while only letting nuclear submarines carry tactical nukes on 18-11-2001, and then on 20-11-2001 i figured out that cruise missiles could sink ships, it's all on the first thread of the blitz mod page...

                Care to not build any ships at all? Then exactly what are you going to do while your oppos BBs are obiliterating every terrain improvement you have built within 2 squares of the sea and burning your coastal cities down to 1 pop? Weak? Hardly.
                i think they are with a few defensive naval units or cruise missiles and a couple of bombers you can easily sweep your shores clean of other naval units, and each time your opponent buys a single battleship i've just bought two tanks, which is a much better purchase, yes if they are on another continant you will need a small navy, but once you capture your first city and build an airport your navy is pretty much useless but that is neither here nor there

                this mod is for those who were complaining about airpower not being able to sink ships, that's all


                • #9
                  I tried to get stealth bombers to travel like ICBMs (considering that in real life that they can do practicly the same), however my little stealth bomber nuked the damn city, strange.
                  I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Willem
                    I kind of like the sound of a Kamakazi UU. It might be interesting. It could be a cheap pre modern era version of a Cruise Missile. I'll have to keep that in mind.
                    All your CivIII pipe dreams have been in place with CivII for years now. Ahhhh CivII...

                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I prefer Civ III myself, especially the possibillities for modding. By the time everything's in place I can see it being rather interesting.

