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What culutral defection can lead to...

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  • What culutral defection can lead to...

    From my last/current game, I've picked up a number of nice thoughts. Not yet going to address all of them, but here's one.

    On my continent, there were 3 civs, after I eliminated Greece early one. Those were the Aztecs (me, world's second power), French (border with me, 3rd power) and Babylon (small area close to France, 4 cities, weakest civ). I had some troops near my border with France always, just in case. However, Joan treated me very well throughout the game, her stance was polite. Their border city of Besancon was a nice size 6 one, with 5 resources of Silks surrounding it. Due to my early war with Greece, I was not lucky enough to grab that spot.

    And so, one day my military advisor popped up to tell me that Besancon is joining my civilization. I was very happy, for I now controlled 3 of 5 Silk resources, others were just outside the border. I got the Musketman in the city, as always, and brought up nearby units to the area.

    Next turn, Joan declared war on me. And assaulted the city of Besancon with 2 Swordsmen she had close by. I stood the attack, but then the huge war broke out. The continent was a large one, and France controlled some 55% of it, I controlled 40%, and the remaining 5% were Babylon.

    I did a nice move by having Hamurabbi sign a military alliance with me vs. Joan. Thusly, France sent some units my way, some units their way. I brought all the huge force I had to the border with France, and I was intensively discovering new technologies during this time. I got Military Tradition just a couple of turns after the war started, and my Cavalry went to back up the Knights. By the way, at one point I was able to upgrade my entire attack force.

    So, we fought over their land, I got 2 Leaders during this, and France only came asking for peace when it was down to 5 cities. Since I was offered some good money, I did a counter-proposal, asked to surrender one of their cities, which they did.

    I took a break for a couple of turns, we both discovered Nationalism and thus, Riflemen are somewhatg good standing vs. Cavalry. With the remaining 4 cities, after I resumed the war, I had some nice problems. I quickly transported some more Cannons to the place, with help of Galleons, to bomb those cities down.

    Somewhere in the middle of it small Babylon went to peace with Joan, and signed an Embargo against me. I declared war on Babylon, for two reasons: 1) I was cocky and 2) I was importing some Ivory from Babylon.

    Overall, I destroyed France, and soon after that became the world's leading power. During the assault on their last cities, I got my third Leader. But the real reward was Sun Tzu's Art of War that I got by taking their last city of Paris. Since the continent was a large one, and I controlled all of it now, this really mattered. I can now sell all my Barracks, free myself of some payments, and enjoy the benefits... great.

    Now, I'm close to finish that game, and am building the Hoover Dam. On a map with such geography, the wonder is a treasure, since I will get some nice production even of those small size 4 villages. Geography like this doesn't happen each time, but sometimes it does.

    And another tip on Hoover Dam, BTW. If you build a Nuclear Plant, the Hydro Plant doesn't vanish. Generally, you can only have one powerplant in a city, but the Hoover Dam allows for two. Thus, a Hydro Plant, Nuclear Plant city is a productive one always, not to mention that it probably got a factory, too. So, it's 50% from original production, 50% more, and finally the huge 150%. Something you don't want to miss out...
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

  • #2

    I did something similar yesterday. I was the Persians, as I usually am, in a 60% land continents game, with raging(!) barbarians. America and Iroquois were alone on one continent, me on a big half of the other, connected to everyone else by a little 1-square-wide neck, which I promptly stuck five spearmen and a few Immortals at as soon as I explored it.

    I got my first leader beating on barbarians with an Immortal. I trucked him over to America, where I loaded three elite Immortals inside, and started mauling him...because he had the only horses accessible - with the exception of two deep inside German (2nd place civ) territory across the map. Anyway, I killed off America just before the end of the Ancient Times. The Babylonians then started to try to colonize my big land place thing, which I wouldn't stand for, hehe. My capital and forbidden-palace city both were churning out about 30 culture a turn, and I absorbed two Babylonian cities. Once I did this, the babylonians declared war on me and flooded my little city guarding the neck with swordsmen, who were repelled by my pikemen.

    I finally researched Astronomy so I could send my horses back to my main continent, and then I started throwing out knights like you read about, and left Babylonianboy with only Nineveh left.

    Well, the babylonians still had a ton of money, so they military allianced against me with the Romans, the Iroquois (although the Iroquois really couldn't do anything as I kept razing the coastal cities so they couldn't jump to my continent and attack) the Aztecs, and the French, leaving me with just the Russkies and Germans as allies. Whoops.

    THAT was about the time I bade farewell to my treasury and upped my science rate to 70%, causing me to zoom through the ages into the Modern Age by 1800, and knock on the door of the big alliance (who had recently split into two alliances beating the crap out of each other) with Modern Armor against their widdle tiny Pikemen...and I got 4 leaders out of it.

    4 Elite Modern Armor armies hurts the little fellow like a beetch.

    Anyway, after the flames died down, I controlled all of France, Babylon, and the Aztec empires, and did the ol' Kulturkampf to the end of the game.

    All that war based on stealing two little size 1 Babylonian
    Contrary to what many believe. MOO3 does NOT suck. If you think it does, you're wrong. Have a nice day.


    • #3
      Fun here.

      In my game, Germany declared war on Egypt, and, due to MPP, it's world war. Russia, Germany, Iroquois and Aztecs (me) vs. Egypt. Egypt has the largest army, and now that's something. All are on one continent, except me. I keep bringing in Tanks and Mech Inf, Bombers sometimes, Germans go with Panzers and Marines, Russians and Iroquois with Tanks. But the Egypt is still huge... very fun there. I'm currently going to use nuclear weapons vs. some of the heaviest fortified cities (size 17, 5 Mech. Inf, 3 Infantry, hm...).
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #4
        ICBM him. A TON.
        Contrary to what many believe. MOO3 does NOT suck. If you think it does, you're wrong. Have a nice day.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blacken
          ICBM him. A TON.
          Ummm, I did that once. Just once. The entire world (including close allies that I had been friends with for ages and got into the war because of a MPP with) declared war on me. Granted, it took a few nukes for _everyone_ to declare war, but still...
          Do the Job

          Remember the World Trade Center


          • #6
            Currently I am just that, nuking Egypt. Rest of the world is very happy.
            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

