Note: Not sure if this has been mentioned
The previous turn I used my Armies to defeat an Egyptian city. Next turn I go to look for them and the units that were in the armies are no longer there.
When I had an army selected you would see the arm guy with his flag, but no unit next to him and then there was a unit a few squares away that was also high lighted. Although it is not shown in the picture that is below, sometimes you could see the big army health bar a few squares away from the arm, I will try to get that pic and post.
That unit was also turned into a position that I never see in a panzer. When I loaded a unit on to the army it was not visible.
Here is a picture that might describe it better:
Then end result is that it looks like I will have to disband the armys
The previous turn I used my Armies to defeat an Egyptian city. Next turn I go to look for them and the units that were in the armies are no longer there.
When I had an army selected you would see the arm guy with his flag, but no unit next to him and then there was a unit a few squares away that was also high lighted. Although it is not shown in the picture that is below, sometimes you could see the big army health bar a few squares away from the arm, I will try to get that pic and post.
That unit was also turned into a position that I never see in a panzer. When I loaded a unit on to the army it was not visible.
Here is a picture that might describe it better:
Then end result is that it looks like I will have to disband the armys