Originally posted by Anti-Encomium
Double Login? No. I just never bothered to post here before.
If you go visit civfanatics.com, there is a poster named Zouave, who I am 99.999999% sure is also Encomium. Either that, or one of them simply cuts and pastes posts. Anyway, the repetitive and unconstructive nature of his posts have managed to infuriate me enough to flame him on another forum.
Double Login? No. I just never bothered to post here before.

Not that I've been keeping score or anything, but Encomium/Troyens hasn't posted anything at civfanatics in awhile. I guess he found the "Fanboy friendly" environment there not to his liking. So I don't think anything he posted there recently drove you to come here and take shots at him.
Oh well! So much for my good deed for today...
