I am sick of people complaining about planes not being able to sink ships. Remember Civ 2? An island loaded with planes was a fortress.
So, here is the solution. Pearl Harbor really happened, and it isn't realistic for ships to go around the world 5 or 6 times not running out of fuel.
So, they need a "Limited fuel" rule. Ships must stay 1 space from a friendly city to refuel after about 50 movement points. Or they could stay next to a foreign city and buy fuel for gold.
Ships being refueled while in port can be destroyed by planes. This is possible because planes can be set on aircraft carriers. But the carrier could be destroyed by active ships!
I think this would be a great idea for game balance. Limited fuel for ships, and maybe even limited ammo or fuel for tanks mech infantry.
The limited fuel idea should be good for people that use offensive aircraft carriers, I think you are better off making mass battlecruisers than making carriers. Plus, it's too hard now to destroy improvements now
Tell me what you think, I still hate the fortress idea with mass air destroying endless waves of ships.
So, here is the solution. Pearl Harbor really happened, and it isn't realistic for ships to go around the world 5 or 6 times not running out of fuel.
So, they need a "Limited fuel" rule. Ships must stay 1 space from a friendly city to refuel after about 50 movement points. Or they could stay next to a foreign city and buy fuel for gold.
Ships being refueled while in port can be destroyed by planes. This is possible because planes can be set on aircraft carriers. But the carrier could be destroyed by active ships!
I think this would be a great idea for game balance. Limited fuel for ships, and maybe even limited ammo or fuel for tanks mech infantry.
The limited fuel idea should be good for people that use offensive aircraft carriers, I think you are better off making mass battlecruisers than making carriers. Plus, it's too hard now to destroy improvements now
Tell me what you think, I still hate the fortress idea with mass air destroying endless waves of ships.